I was a multi-sport athlete growing up (baseball, football, basketball, soccer, rugby, tennis for a couple years, volleyball, and my scholarship sport: bowling) and have long suffered from elbow tendinitis, tennis elbow, whatever you want to call it. It's always been manageable but has flared up from time to time. My body barks at me and tells me if I keep up activity X, that I'm going to hurt myself. I listen, I take it easy on any hard pulling exercises for a few days, and it subsides.
I bowl leagues and tournaments 9-10 months out of the year (used to be year round, but decided I needed summers off 2 years ago), play softball 5 months out of the year, and hit the gym 6 days a week.
Last March, throwing a ball in from the outfield (playing in my first game in 3-4 months) I felt a rip on the inside of my elbow.
Never went to the doc (honestly, I don't go to the doctor unless I'm dying, for the most part).

Anyway, I haven't really been "pain free" in my elbow since that day. It's just a pain I live with, and again, listen to my body when it says "don't do that!".
My question, is has anyone had similar elbow pain that they've dealt with and had any success getting it to subside? Any tips, tricks, therapy that has worked for you?
For a while pullups/chest-ups/chin-ups, etc... would make it flare up terribly (and seated rows), but it's gotten to the point where it may hurt, but it's not a debilitating pain and it seems when I decide to push it, I no longer feel pain for the rest of my workout.

Would love to hear some tricks/tips/thoughts....