Hip issues can be more aggravated with lots of sitting and doinf a lot of stairs, or anything with that motion. My pain is acting up the same way it did before hip surgery and I am praying it is no retorn.

If you cant find a place that does ART ( there werent many when I had issue 6 years ago), find na trigger point therapist. Trigger point massage worked wonders for me. The psoas is very deep and hard for us to get to just with a roor or ball, atrigger point therapist can work this m usvcle though. When I would get them, the therapist whole massage the psoas and I def had trigger points in there. There is also an area on the side of the hip called the TFL (tensor fascia lata) , my therapist used to dig her elbow in this area and although it hurt like hell, it was a relief.
"The tensor fascia lata is actually embedded in the iliotibial tract. Because it crosses the knee joint, the tensor fascia lata helps maintain stability during full knee extension."

This could all be very well stemming from your knee issue. I forgot...did you have PT for the knee?