WOW!!! what a life!!! One afte the other.

Leg day...I do my warm up, but NOT as extensive as I usually do, this was probably my mistake.

I get onto the hammer strength squat machine.
I rep out 12 with 450lbs which is light, but I always warm up with 270 for 15. Mistake one there.

I go on and load 630 total, I drop down for 12.
load 720 and on my 4rth I hear a POP sound from my low back left side.

I stop, and I immediately go stretch myself.

I unloaded the machine.
Went onto the leg press....kept doing my workout.

But I could feel the pain building up.

2 hours later I could barely move.

It seems to me like the QL area.
I don't believe it is spinal cord related---compressed disk or such. I would not be here telling the story.

I took 2000mgs of iboproben for now.
I am seeing physio. Active Release Therapist at 7:30AM for work on it.

I had my girl walk on my back, she popped my left side once.....had a warm bath and it seems to be A LOT better.

I probably won't be able to sleep tonight FML!!

Anybody else experience this kind of situation??? And what was it?????