How long did this injury take for you to get back into the gym?

My story comes from a flat BB bench session. I know I know, that is the devil and notorious for injuries. Of course I told myself, "it won't happen to me though..." Well it did. Luckily it happened on the initial descent of the weight, and I felt pops in both my right and left peck right at the beginning of the arm pit (top front), or where the pectoralis ties into your arm pit. Been stretching it slowly for over a month now, and recently noticed what appears to be slight bruising still. Or maybe it's just my stretch marks from the tren blowing me up turning purple, from not seeing any kind of action in over a month lol damn it. But if there was any good in this, it happened in a time where I was about to neglect the gym for a while any way due to a very busy schedule with life coming.

Now that everything is almost settled, I would like to work my way back into the gym, but don't want to walk in there and walk back out because I still can't push. Speaking of push, I've been gauging it of push ups at home. Still feel it there in both sides. Yesterday I reconed some good ol' ghrp and ghrh since my family and I are for the most part done with the craziness.

Thanks for your time, look forward to seeing what you have to say...