So I've been doing a lot of research on peptides lately, mainly pegMGF and LR3 IGF-1 and their synergistic abilities. I know not too many people have tried this combo, but I was thinking about doing an IGF + pegMGF + HGH cycle. I run HGH 5 on 2 off and have a script for that at 2.5ius a per day. So I was thinking of doing 500mcgs of pegMGF 4 times a week (sun, tues, thurs, sat) and do 40mcgs of IGF post work out 3 days a week and do that for 4 weeks. I'll also be on 400mgs of pharm grade test cyp and 50mgs of d-bol.

Anyone have any personal experiences with this combo? Thoughts? Am I crazy? Chime in at your leisure, cheers.