Re: I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
i had great effects with sema personally bringing my glucose under control while using gh during prep. i will say it really didnt do shit for my appetite at all but it did keep me from being able to push larger amounts of food. i am pretty tight on all aspects of my nutrition and water intake so that and fiber were not an issue but it did slow down my guts a small amount. nothing crazy though. the one thing that it did do that i didnt care to much for is that it kept me from being able to enjoy a diet soda here and there or a sugar free sparkling water. you want to talk about some gut pain, holy shit it was brutal when i drank more that a can of diet soda or a bottle of sparkling water.
i am a huge fan of these compounds and my next go round will be will triz. see if that lowers glucose even further
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