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  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
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  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

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  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
  • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
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    Thread: I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

    1. #1
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      Default I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

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      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      there is a big difference in the two peptide medications you’re asking about. Sema(*) is a GLP-1 agonist and Tirz(*) is a DUAL agonist. 'Food noise' cancellation from Sema is very strong but it also has the most gastric sides. What is being missed there is the GLP is not just an appetite suppressant it is a body fixer or what I call “fixing your dumpster fire”. This can include everything from metabolism issues, diabetes, to addictions, female fertility, the list is still growing.

      One big thing about the GLP-1 receptor that is missed by many: The sides for Sema are due to two things. The first being the dose is TOO HIGH. The second is not recognizing that your metabolic dumpster fire is needing you to change course and go FIX yourself!

      Your body is telling you to take responsibility for yourself. We all are dumpster fires, none of us are perfect. Your body is begging you to address the dumpster fire inside you simply meaning LISTEN! Sema is an amazing tool that lets you know what is off. I’m talking diet, water intake, bad fats, processed ‘crap’, high fructose corn syrup, and failure to consume enough protein. If you are not on your intake game, you will have issues. The sides will go away as you FIX yourself.

      For me with Sema it was sugar/processed sugars that I would let slide. The gastric issues were brutal, and I didn’t even think I was ‘that bad’ but for my body it was recking me. I also was not even close to being as hydrated as I should be. I was consistently consuming what I thought was close to a gallon of water per day…I was not. When I started a waterlog, I realized how off I really was. I also had to fix my magnesium intake. This one came forward as I was fixing the H2O issue and I felt so much better once I got this squared away.

      The second reason for sides is the dosing’s being given out. These both can be running low dose or microdosed. it is such an amazing tool to help you keep the food cravings at bey but also let that GLP-1 receptor enjoy repair. The doses that ‘peeps’ put people on are the real cause for concern.

      With Tirz(*)...This is only 50% like Sema. Tirz is a DUAL agonist and hits the GLP-1 recepot and the Glucagon receptor. For some, they claim better food noise cancellation. I do not have that experience but you here from gurus on the subject that Tirz is the king. I will say athletically Tirz is a better option and just like the GLP-1 receptor getting it’s ‘fixing on’ to assist all that it has influence over, so does the glucagon receptor. I know personally that I prefer Tirz for what it does to helping my dumpster fire fixing, health wise, athletically, and overall, well-being.

      Which is better? It depends on the goal you have. Sema is inferior but hits the Glp-1 much harder and honestly there isn't anything like it. I think that receptor has been hammered by pollution, poor diet, plastics and metals, horrifically upside-down food pyramid food consumption, etc. I think Sema has a huge place for those micro dosing and for those just needing a little assist during dieting or contest prep. Tirz is probably the best for micro dosing for health and keep things in check. I think we are just now seeing the true benefits of Tirz and more will come with studying and use.

      The biggest question is your goal. These are amazing compounds that are awesome tools in your quest for fixing your dumpster fire, athletic goals, and longevity.

    2. #2
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      Default Re: I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

      I've tried sema and put to Ge ton torz or monjero brand, docs say I'm doebetoc so should be bale to grt government to cover it. I'm reversing the doebeties and my naturopath think it was form the fertility protocol as well as fattyvoer which I'm sure it is, hcg, Nova and high dose hmg 150iu/3 days a week.

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      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

      i had great effects with sema personally bringing my glucose under control while using gh during prep. i will say it really didnt do shit for my appetite at all but it did keep me from being able to push larger amounts of food. i am pretty tight on all aspects of my nutrition and water intake so that and fiber were not an issue but it did slow down my guts a small amount. nothing crazy though. the one thing that it did do that i didnt care to much for is that it kept me from being able to enjoy a diet soda here and there or a sugar free sparkling water. you want to talk about some gut pain, holy shit it was brutal when i drank more that a can of diet soda or a bottle of sparkling water.

      i am a huge fan of these compounds and my next go round will be will triz. see if that lowers glucose even further
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    4. #4
      rnixon's Avatar
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      Default Re: I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

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      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?

      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      • I got asked about the difference between Sema* and Tirz* and if they are just the same but Tirz has more 'food noise' cancellation?
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i had great effects with sema personally bringing my glucose under control while using gh during prep. i will say it really didnt do shit for my appetite at all but it did keep me from being able to push larger amounts of food. i am pretty tight on all aspects of my nutrition and water intake so that and fiber were not an issue but it did slow down my guts a small amount. nothing crazy though. the one thing that it did do that i didnt care to much for is that it kept me from being able to enjoy a diet soda here and there or a sugar free sparkling water. you want to talk about some gut pain, holy shit it was brutal when i drank more that a can of diet soda or a bottle of sparkling water.

      i am a huge fan of these compounds and my next go round will be will triz. see if that lowers glucose even further
      Good to know, I ran sema with not much for effect but apparently they both lower fatty liver.
      I want to use the tirz but if I get sema covered ill use it of not ill get tirz from my supplier as it's $1500cad/month here and I cna get 3. Months for like half that.

      Fasting I've basically reversed what they were calling diabetes but letting them call it that it get the coverage may as well.

      Sent from my SM-S918W using Tapatalk

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