So I’m roughly 3 weeks on Metformin. I stayed consistently at the same weight for almost a week and dropped down to 247. That’s an 8 lb swing. For me most of this from what I understand is probably liver repair. I’ve had non alcoholic fatty liver since my abdominal surgery in 2018. It has been a ***** to lose weight more than likely do to fat oxidation just not in the cards.

I’m hoping this path continues.

Negatives? I do notice an issue with pumps. The workouts are still going strong but the pump will just be a little less. I’ve also noticed since I take my met with my family dinner and I train late usually in the 10pm to 1am range. If dinner is to close to training the pump struggles just a bit but to be honest it makes me push harder in the pursuit of said pump.

I take injectable b12, usually 1cc every 2 weeks but I started taking a. .5cc every 4-5days just to avoid the b12 drop.

I take ipam/cjc when I first wake up (fasted) and I don’t know how to tell if I’d have diminished igf but nothing feels off.

The problem with reading about Met is they always are about unhealthy patients. So with diminishing test levels, no igf, b12 failures…it seems that if they did a test group of longevity guys like me who are on hrt or more, b12 inj, and some for of gh uptick that none of these issues would be present?

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