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    Thread: SomaTropin question.

    1. #1
      pgc640's Avatar
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      • SomaTropin question.
      • SomaTropin question.
      Started competing as a BB in 1990 until 2001. Never used GH, only anabolics
      I just turned 50 and I'm finding traing so much more difficult than 26 lol. I get injuries I don't know how I got them and they take forever to heal. I had to cut back to an every other day schedule rather than my usual 5 in 2 off schedule because I couldn't keep up with it.

      Anyway, I want to try GH for 12 weeks or so, not for aesthetic purposes, although I'll take it if it improve my overall physique. I really want to try it because of the amount of different joints and tendon injuries I've been getting.
      I was diagnosed with arthritis in my lower back, hurts bad sometimes. I have to be real careful traing back. Forget deadlifts, bent bb or db rows even cable row I don't do. Arthritis, I read , is caused by a lack of crtilige around the area.
      SOMOTROPIN is supposed to regenerate the cartilage and it was actually proven in a us FDA studying.
      The study was for arthritis in the knee and the conclusion was that 96% of those treated with GH improved significantly. So, again from what I read GH is indicated for use in the US for arthritis in the knee and only in the knee. Fuckin geniuses.
      When I read this it made up my mind I was gou g to make the investment and get GH.
      The problem I've been having is I've been solicited by people from the Ukraine, India, all over Europe so many places with so many different brands. I wish I could afford humatrope or something from a pharmaceutical company but it's just too expensive to do a decent amount of time. Right now I'm leaning towards getting three boxes of 100 IU's of dragontropin made by dragon pharma. The reason is dragon pharma is pretty much the only anabolics I use and they're always good and they've been tested, if you look on the internet it's there. They've been tested so many times they always come up right on the or they're overdosed and I only saw one instance of them being underdosed and that was anadrol 50 that came back at 48.5. which is negligible. So my reasoning was if they're antibiotics are right on the GH must be good I hope that's not faulty logic although it is knowing logic it is faulty logic lol. But anyway I did look up reviews from people and I didn't find a bad one at all people are saying this is the best stuff out there for that price. It's about 200 to 250 per kit if you look but it's very hard to get it's out of stock very fast so that's another reason I believe it's good it sells right now. Although I have a person that's holding some for me and I'm going to pay for it on February 1st. My question I wanted to know if anybody's ever used this type of GH from dragon pharma or if they've used any other of the hundred IU kits , at a reasonable dose, and been happy with results.
      Before I found the dragon tropin I was about to buy Somatrpin made by Maxtreme. Again I never heard a bad thing about their anabolics. Then I was solicited with a bunch of brands I've never heard of One guy in India sent me a picture The box that's exactly like hematrope same color same letters it was a horrible copy it wasn't copied as humans hope it was labeled the different name but you could tell he was trying to pass it off his humatrope the people that didn't know any better. Then I got some jerk off try to sell me fragment 191-176 I think it's called which is not Somatropin.
      With what I'm going to order this time I'm willing to put in $1,000 up to to do a decent run of the GH although I don't need to put up that much really because I'm just going to do 4ius a day. But $1,000 still is enough enough to do a decent run of farm a grade GH. I've decided on February 1st to go with the dragon tropein That's why I wanted to ask now February 1st is a few days away if anybody any has any advice I'd really appreciate it.

      I'm going to start it pretty much as soon as I get it Right now I'm taking something light I'm taking Winstrol every other day 50 mg, DHB 350 WEEK, DECA 300 WEEK AND 500 TEST CYP. ITS GIT ME LOOKING PRETTY GOOD. I'll finish that then like two weeks later my plan is to do a 12 week GH run.
      Was going to include 750 mg Test E, 300 deca( I use it in hopes it help joints) 50-100 MGS a day of Anadrol.
      4 IUS of GH 2 after traing 2 before bed. And 10 MGS of noveldex maybe some proviron also.
      Was considering 100 MGS tren A EOD but decided against it.

      Any feedback, seeing I never did this before, I'd really appreciate

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      • SomaTropin question.
      I'm really sorry for the length of that post I just wanted to explain things. And I made a typo arthritis is caused by a lack of cartilage. And GH is supposed to regenerate it.

      Also for younger guys I was told by my physical therapist the reason my back is like it is is from years of doing squats with 500 600 lb. What I'm telling you is it's not worth it to impress people in the gym by lifting tremendous amounts of weight because you're going to screw yourself up later in life. I have a friend of mine that I grew up with who was humongous at his biggest he was about 6'2" 280 to 90 pretty lean but strong as I've ever seen strong. He used to put so much weight on the barbell for traps for shrugs the actual bar would bend. But he's the same age as me and you think I'm describing bad problems he can't even lift his hands over his shoulder He's had four different surgeries already and it's all because of all this weight he lifted you know years ago. I know everybody knows about Ronnie Coleman how messed up he got from all the weight he threw around. You can grow with lighter weight using all that weight is really trying to impress people more than it's going to enhance your physique. Anyway I'd appreciate any feedback and thanks guys.

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