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    Thread: quesyion

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      I so haven't figured out GH I tried some this summer I didn't think I got much out of it I don't know if it was kept out of the refrigerator too long and it went bad or something but didn't do shit it seemed I was taking for I used a day.
      I don't know if anybody saw but spectrum put out a new HGH that comes in 150 I use rather than 100 like most come and it's about $200 I can get it at a place in Europe it's certain amount Euro but when you do the conversion it comes out to about $200 which isn't bad $150 I use for $200.
      what I want to know is what people that have used growth really use growth maybe used it with insulin and T3 used it for contests use it for long periods of time do they think it did or made a significant difference in their physique their look their muscle mass they see a huge difference in the year they did the GH then other years that they didn't?
      since I'm not really competing anymore and I'm getting to the geriatric age 50 years old I just turned I was thinking about just doing it for its anti-aging properties just who I use a day which would be pretty cheap in the end it's too I use a day I would be wasting much money and I would think too I use a day you'd still get some benefit out of fat burning benefit. the thing with HGH is it's so new there's no set amounts that are supposedly recommended. people go up to nine I use a day and have no idea why you know I think that's a ridiculous dose and it's probably way too much but I can't argue with these people maybe it's just right I don't know all I know is I'm not paying that much to take at 9:00 I use a day.
      so anybody out there with any opinions just let me know cuz I was going to order another $150 I use a spectrum and use for I use a day the most and maybe two I use a day or three I'm not sure between two and four I use the day. but before I do that I'd like to hear for some vets that have used it for long periods of time and have good things to say about it. I only use it once when I was competing and that was the last time I did the USA I was so broke though back then I was a law student I could barely scrape together the money for to I use every other day so that's what I was taking so I use every other day I don't think it did shit.

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      Default Re: quesyion

      sp i am still actively competing so i keep it in for 9 or 10 months out of the year just for the added benefit of fat loss skin tightening up and joint help. now with that said i donnt use high end dosing at all. offseason i go 6iu gh and 10iu log post workout to drive nutrients and stuff in for recovery. prep i go to 3iu first thing am and 6-10iu log pre workout.

      now the kickers with gh is that it causes really bad insulin resistance and will shut down t3/t4 pretty good after about a month or 2. so it does give help but you will also have to use thyroid and slin to offset some of the issues it creates.
      so do i think its worth the money? after 40 hell yeah i do. i can tell a difference when i pull it out. but it is not dramatic and the amounts needed to actually grow with it are much higher than 9iu. you are looking at 20 or more iu daily for actual muscle growth. great anti aging addition for sure but dont expect to feel or notice anything for the first couple of months.

      if you want to check to see if it is legit and not do the gh serum or igf testing you can wait about 45 days and check fasted glucose. if it is over 100 and it will be in almost 100% of people. then u know it is good and slin needs to be added. same goes for tsh t3 ahd t4. they will all be low and tsh will be higher
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      Default Re: quesyion

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      sp i am still actively competing so i keep it in for 9 or 10 months out of the year just for the added benefit of fat loss skin tightening up and joint help. now with that said i donnt use high end dosing at all. offseason i go 6iu gh and 10iu log post workout to drive nutrients and stuff in for recovery. prep i go to 3iu first thing am and 6-10iu log pre workout.

      now the kickers with gh is that it causes really bad insulin resistance and will shut down t3/t4 pretty good after about a month or 2. so it does give help but you will also have to use thyroid and slin to offset some of the issues it creates.
      so do i think its worth the money? after 40 hell yeah i do. i can tell a difference when i pull it out. but it is not dramatic and the amounts needed to actually grow with it are much higher than 9iu. you are looking at 20 or more iu daily for actual muscle growth. great anti aging addition for sure but dont expect to feel or notice anything for the first couple of months.

      if you want to check to see if it is legit and not do the gh serum or igf testing you can wait about 45 days and check fasted glucose. if it is over 100 and it will be in almost 100% of people. then u know it is good and slin needs to be added. same goes for tsh t3 ahd t4. they will all be low and tsh will be higher
      thanks man you answered pretty much everything I was trying to get answered. yeah I'm not really interested in using it to put on 30 lb of muscle at 50 years old now. but using it as an anti-aging compound sounds like a really good thing like it could be very positive skin tightening stuff like that and I actually obviously noticed wrinkles I didn't have before I look older I mean if that could help so I'm probably I'm going to go ahead and get the 150 Ius of the spectrum Somatropin.
      Do you think 2 Ius a day is enough for just anti aging purposes or would I need more??

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      Default Re: quesyion

      I use it more for the anti aging purposes I guess and stay around 2-3iu per day. I'm not really looking for significant changes in my physique, but more overall health, healing, anti aging benefits maybe some aided fat loss. I never really go over 3ish iu per day and keep it in as long as I can afford it.
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      Default Re: quesyion

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I use it more for the anti aging purposes I guess and stay around 2-3iu per day. I'm not really looking for significant changes in my physique, but more overall health, healing, anti aging benefits maybe some aided fat loss. I never really go over 3ish iu per day and keep it in as long as I can afford it.
      yeah that's exactly what I'm thinking of doing also I just turned 50 years old and I'm not going to compete I might compete one more time in the Masters Nationals but I'll be a middleweight it sound like I'm going to push it the heavyweight or light heavyweight so I don't really need to build that much more muscle to compete as a middleweight. but the anti-aging properties of both hormone are very interesting especially when you look at how much it goes down after 40 so I'm about to buy myself $150 I use of the new spectrum brand so Somatropin for $200.
      I figure I'll use two I use 5 days a week I think with GH you need those couple of days off the desensitize yourself you can't take it everyday so that mean I'm taking 10 I use a week last me 10 weeks each kid I actually 15 weeks cuz it's 150. yeah it's a good deal and spectrum usually makes pretty good products I've used their EQ I've used it testosterone if anybody wants a handle on where to get it pretty cheap like I said it's $200 US Dollars just give me a shout out on pm

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      Default Re: quesyion

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      sp i am still actively competing so i keep it in for 9 or 10 months out of the year just for the added benefit of fat loss skin tightening up and joint help. now with that said i donnt use high end dosing at all. offseason i go 6iu gh and 10iu log post workout to drive nutrients and stuff in for recovery. prep i go to 3iu first thing am and 6-10iu log pre workout.

      now the kickers with gh is that it causes really bad insulin resistance and will shut down t3/t4 pretty good after about a month or 2. so it does give help but you will also have to use thyroid and slin to offset some of the issues it creates.
      so do i think its worth the money? after 40 hell yeah i do. i can tell a difference when i pull it out. but it is not dramatic and the amounts needed to actually grow with it are much higher than 9iu. you are looking at 20 or more iu daily for actual muscle growth. great anti aging addition for sure but dont expect to feel or notice anything for the first couple of months.

      if you want to check to see if it is legit and not do the gh serum or igf testing you can wait about 45 days and check fasted glucose. if it is over 100 and it will be in almost 100% of people. then u know it is good and slin needs to be added. same goes for tsh t3 ahd t4. they will all be low and tsh will be higher
      I'm really thinking about doing this I was about to order 300 Ius but reading your post guns I'd really like to talk to you before I do this I'm so naive to it even though I've been bodybuilding since 1990 I just never had the money for growth hormone. If you're saying you can only grow on 20 Iis a day and I kind of believe you because when I have used it it's been at low dosages and I didn't see any difference in muscle mass. I did see fat loss and but not really muscle mass steroids are much better for size. So like what I guess I'm asking you is at my age I'm 50 years old now and I'm more using it for anti-aging purposes and more than that for injuries I have My back has arthritis The doctor said because of all those years of squat and 495 for 10 and this and that it was stupid you know you're not supposed to do that your body's not equipped for that over years and years and years. So I have arthritis in my back that really screws me up sometimes and what it is I read up on it arthritis seems to be a lack of cartilage in the area. From what I read HGH produces cartilage and extra amount then I found article a medical article where they did a study on people with arthritis in the knee and the people are the you know they had a control group and a placebo group The control group where they gave them HGH 96% improve significantly That was the conclusion That's pretty impressive. That's what made me want to give it a try because sometimes my back I can't do anything other days I'm better. And as you know there's no real cure for arthritis I go to physical therapy but it's not a cure it's always going to be there this may be closer to a cure. Anyway what do you think if it's just for anti-aging purposes and the strength and joints in ligaments in this cartilage thing how many Ius do you think I would need a day? The last thing I want to do is waste money because I've had a bad year I had a lot of crap happening in the last 2 years and I lost a whole lot of money from COVID and a lot of injuries and operation I had so I got to be careful with money so I don't want to throw it away I'd like to use at least amount possible. So if two I use a day would do what I'm looking to do I'll take that and I would love it if that was the amount I needed to take. And thank you for the advice about the fasting and checking the the I forget what you said to check cuz I only read it once but I'm going to save this and I am going to check it when I get it. I think you said the blood sugar will be super low and if that's true to add the insulin. Yeah I was thinking about adding insulin anyway but then I wasn't because I'm not competing and I don't know but you're right it's not really competing or not The GH f**** with the insulin sometimes you do need it. Also the t3 and t4. When you get time you answer me here or shoot me a PM All right thanks man.

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      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      I'm really thinking about doing this I was about to order 300 Ius but reading your post guns I'd really like to talk to you before I do this I'm so naive to it even though I've been bodybuilding since 1990 I just never had the money for growth hormone. If you're saying you can only grow on 20 Iis a day and I kind of believe you because when I have used it it's been at low dosages and I didn't see any difference in muscle mass. I did see fat loss and but not really muscle mass steroids are much better for size. So like what I guess I'm asking you is at my age I'm 50 years old now and I'm more using it for anti-aging purposes and more than that for injuries I have My back has arthritis The doctor said because of all those years of squat and 495 for 10 and this and that it was stupid you know you're not supposed to do that your body's not equipped for that over years and years and years. So I have arthritis in my back that really screws me up sometimes and what it is I read up on it arthritis seems to be a lack of cartilage in the area. From what I read HGH produces cartilage and extra amount then I found article a medical article where they did a study on people with arthritis in the knee and the people are the you know they had a control group and a placebo group The control group where they gave them HGH 96% improve significantly That was the conclusion That's pretty impressive. That's what made me want to give it a try because sometimes my back I can't do anything other days I'm better. And as you know there's no real cure for arthritis I go to physical therapy but it's not a cure it's always going to be there this may be closer to a cure. Anyway what do you think if it's just for anti-aging purposes and the strength and joints in ligaments in this cartilage thing how many Ius do you think I would need a day? The last thing I want to do is waste money because I've had a bad year I had a lot of crap happening in the last 2 years and I lost a whole lot of money from COVID and a lot of injuries and operation I had so I got to be careful with money so I don't want to throw it away I'd like to use at least amount possible. So if two I use a day would do what I'm looking to do I'll take that and I would love it if that was the amount I needed to take. And thank you for the advice about the fasting and checking the the I forget what you said to check cuz I only read it once but I'm going to save this and I am going to check it when I get it. I think you said the blood sugar will be super low and if that's true to add the insulin. Yeah I was thinking about adding insulin anyway but then I wasn't because I'm not competing and I don't know but you're right it's not really competing or not The GH f**** with the insulin sometimes you do need it. Also the t3 and t4. When you get time you answer me here or shoot me a PM All right thanks man.

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      ok, again like the other post you are in the perfect range now to get the added benes of gh. i would say for that purpose alone you would be good with between 2-4ius a day on training days. i have even seen and heard that after 2 weeks you can go to eod and your levels wont drop. i personally havent tried that approach myself but i was told that by a very top level coach that i respect their knowledge on damn near everything. so in all honesty i think it could make a big difference in helping you out.

      now with the t3/t4 and slin. so after you run gh for a bit it will drive your thyroid down and push your glucose up regardless of how clean you eat. hell it crushes my thyroid even on prep, so i know it does it bad. 25mcg of t3 or 1-200mcg of t4 is more than enough. will the slin, i use log and it seems like and i played with it a lot this year testing out a couple new approaches. the best way i have found is first meal pre workout meal and post meal. for me being over 250 i use 5ius with my first meal 10ius pre and 10iu post with humalog. my glucose this year both fasted and post meals has stayed well within normal ranges and i have stayed pretty damn full 24 hours a day. so that works really well. i have one client that uses humalin r im pre and post and his is good to go but he is 20 years younger than i am and another that uses lantus. both of those are working well also.
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