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    Thread: HGH week 5

    1. #16
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      Please share with me your experience related to the use of HGH. I use supplements daily but not these. I use SARMs from paradigmpeptides.com, and I've seen that they also have HGH but never tried them. What is their purpose, and what effect do they have on the body? The sarms I'm taking help me in my workout routine. I feel more energy and power during the workout and throughout the day. I also feel that it has a positive impact if you have a green diet: eating veggies and fruits and less unhealthy snacks. I've also seen some skin texture improvements, but I have a new skincare routine, and I'm not sure which one has a greater impact.

    2. #17
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      Default Re: HGH week 5

      Please share with me your experience related to the use of HGH. I use supplements daily but not these. I use SARMs from paradigmpeptides.com, and I've seen that they also have HGH but never tried them. What is their purpose, and what effect do they have on the body? The sarms I'm taking help me in my workout routine. I feel more energy and power during the workout and throughout the day. I also feel that it has a positive impact if you have a green diet: eating veggies and fruits and less unhealthy snacks. I've also seen some skin texture improvements, but I have a new skincare routine, and I'm not sure which one has a greater impact.

    3. #18
      dirtwarrior's Avatar
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      Default Re: HGH week 5

      Quote Originally Posted by Serona View Post
      Please share with me your experience related to the use of HGH. I use supplements daily but not these. I use SARMs from paradigmpeptides.com, and I've seen that they also have HGH but never tried them. What is their purpose, and what effect do they have on the body? The sarms I'm taking help me in my workout routine. I feel more energy and power during the workout and throughout the day. I also feel that it has a positive impact if you have a green diet: eating veggies and fruits and less unhealthy snacks. I've also seen some skin texture improvements, but I have a new skincare routine, and I'm not sure which one has a greater impact.
      this is really my first round with it. Guns can answer better than I can

    4. #19
      pgc640's Avatar
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      • HGH week 5
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      dirt is an older gentleman who i would bet natural release of gh is probably damn near zero. so for him at 2iu a day would or should produce excellent results of fat loss and maybe some injury healing and skin tightening etc...

      as for how much growth will you get from growth. i say probably damn near zero unless you dose massively and you can read about it. we are talking 20 or more ius daily. that to get a little bit of muscle growth that also causes the hands feet and face to grow. on top of pretty much shutting down insulin production alongside of thyroid function as well. then toss on cost to do that. i say no way. i would rather like you use my aas to grow and then toss in a little bit of gh to aid in a bit of fat loss joint recovery and a little healing of injuries and skin tightening up. i am older like you as you know so a little bit helps but it isnt substantial by any means
      Hey guns I know I haven't been around I've been things have been a little wild for me I've been training though about to buy 300 IU kits of GH but the reason I'm buying it is my body seems like it's breaking down. What I mean is after turning 50 now I'm 50 now I keep getting these injuries that I don't even know where they come from and they don't go away very quickly. Plus I have arthritis in my lower back The doctor said because of all the years of heavy squatting I did since I was 18 it's pretty bad sometimes and sometimes it's not as bad I go to physical therapy. But I did a lot of research on arthritis and apparently arthritis is caused by a lack of cartilage in the area and HGH supposedly generates cartilage. I read a medical journal article where they did a study on people with arthritis in the knee and it came out that 96% of those who took the HGH and prove significantly. So what it said was the FDA approved it's used for arthritis in the knee but nowhere else. Now that seems retarded and crazy to me but if it's true that means if you have arthritis in the knee you can go to your doctor and he can write a prescription for HGH but if you have arthritis anywhere else I mean he still can but it's off label. Only the FDA would do something like that.
      Anyway I was going to do 12 weeks of the growth just to see if it helps my lower back and my tendons and all these crazy injuries that started happening when I turned 50 what do you think I know you're older too and you've used more JH than I ever have does it help with like tendons and joints and stuff like that?

      Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

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