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      Thyroid hormone can be used for weight loss, just do not expect anything right away. It is slow and gentle. You will like it but it takes weeks before you notice anything

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      Default Re: T4

      Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
      Thyroid hormone can be used for weight loss, just do not expect anything right away. It is slow and gentle. You will like it but it takes weeks before you notice anything
      little recommendation toss the t4 and switch 2t3 which is the active form of thyroid in our body. t4 has to be converted by it LH hormone before it's usable by our body which takes time that's why you're saying it's gentle and slow T3 is not gentle and slow you will feel it in the first day. T3 is the much better drug because it's what our body uses the only time doctors will prescribe sidamel usually because they're lazy bastards is if the person does not produce la hormone which converts the t4 into T3 they don't like prescribing sitamel because it requires more blood test and more work for the doctor. that's also why you see synthroid in a much higher dosages than you'll see side amount it's because it has to convert and when it converts it loses its potency. there's no reason really to use t4 just use T3 that's it 25 micrograms is really good for most people and it's very safe.

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      Default Re: T4

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      little recommendation toss the t4 and switch 2t3 which is the active form of thyroid in our body. t4 has to be converted by it LH hormone before it's usable by our body which takes time that's why you're saying it's gentle and slow T3 is not gentle and slow you will feel it in the first day. T3 is the much better drug because it's what our body uses the only time doctors will prescribe sidamel usually because they're lazy bastards is if the person does not produce la hormone which converts the t4 into T3 they don't like prescribing sitamel because it requires more blood test and more work for the doctor. that's also why you see synthroid in a much higher dosages than you'll see side amount it's because it has to convert and when it converts it loses its potency. there's no reason really to use t4 just use T3 that's it 25 micrograms is really good for most people and it's very safe.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
      you know what's funny for me now? i am actually scripted 25 t3 and np thyroid as well just for hormone optimization(because of gh and age). well last year my t4 dipped a bit low so i added in 50 t4 just to get it back to normal. still didnt come up enough so i went to 100. had to drop it because for some reason now t4 above 50 makes my heart race big time. same for the np thyroid if the doc takes me up to high my heart rate goes through the roof yet i can run or should i say i tried t3 at150 and had no issues. before anyone freaks out i only did the 150 for 2 weeks and that was just to get that last bit of fat off and my diet and aas were perfect to hold onto muscle. i know i burned a little off but damn if i wasnt bone peeled and it was way to long of a prep where i stalled out hard
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      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      you know what's funny for me now? i am actually scripted 25 t3 and np thyroid as well just for hormone optimization(because of gh and age). well last year my t4 dipped a bit low so i added in 50 t4 just to get it back to normal. still didnt come up enough so i went to 100. had to drop it because for some reason now t4 above 50 makes my heart race big time. same for the np thyroid if the doc takes me up to high my heart rate goes through the roof yet i can run or should i say i tried t3 at150 and had no issues. before anyone freaks out i only did the 150 for 2 weeks and that was just to get that last bit of fat off and my diet and aas were perfect to hold onto muscle. i know i burned a little off but damn if i wasnt bone peeled and it was way to long of a prep where i stalled out hard
      I'm not a scientist or a doctor I mean I know a lot just from doing research by myself and talking other people and just experiencing things myself but the questions you're asking are beyond my expertise. LOL. if your t4 levels were low on 50 I guess it's 50 micrograms of t4 I can't explain that and you went up to 100 and you started having your heart race I really can't explain why that would happen. but you say you're fine even on 150 of T3, which isn't that bad of a dose I mean usually I'd say the most to take is 100 but if you're at the very end then you need to lose a little bit I mean 150 for a week or two isn't going to kill you. T3 has such a bad name and they're actually people out there I read another boards that I even read somebody say T3 is just as dangerous as insulin which isn't dangerous either. yes insulin is dangerous and can kill you if you take it and don't eat any carbs you'd have to consciously take a shot of insulin and make sure you don't eat any carbs at all until you go into diabetic shock and die so that's the only way you can kill yourself with insulin it have to be purposeful pretty much. so insulin is misunderstood too it's a very safe drug if you know what you're doing and so is T3. from what I can gather T3 when you take it when you introduce it from outside sources like A pill it doesn't shut down your thyroid of your own body your body makes 25 mg of T3 a day I think but not like to testosterone where if you're introduce outside testosterone testosterone levels the T3 does not shut off so you're still getting that 25 the good thing about that is that if someone has a good metabolism is on a good diet sometimes it can get away with 12.5 milligrams of micrograms of T3 and get benefits from that. I love T3 from more than just the fat burning it's great even in a bulking cycle if you throw in 12.5 one thing it does is it shuttles the nutrients where they need to go kind of like insulin in a way but a little more subtlety that doesn't hold as much fat it also Burns fats to three whereas insulin will tend to hold on to body fat but T3 if you took it in the offseason with a bulking cycle trying to put on muscle it helps a lot it really did I I just turned onto it a couple years ago and after doing it I couldn't say it didn't work it definitely worked and it kept me super lean too just 12.5 mcgs.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

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