Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
Was there a particular reason why you too stopped using? Or just tried it and either had some of this issues I was having with the dark spots or just didn't think it was worth adding to your regiment long-term?

Or might it be that it's used as more of a seasonal (summer) supplement or pre0contest (assuming it's not a banned substance)? Couldn't imagine why it would me . . .
i have used it a number of times and still do about 4 or so months out of the year or so for show season. i get dark spots as well and always have and after a while they always go away. freckles and moles also darken but it to goes away. derms see dark spots and automatically do testing on them to make sure. which is good but it is just the pigment in that particular area lightening slower than everywhere else. i am pretty sure it was designed for use on people prone to burning and skin cancer for protection