All the cool kids were using it and great things were being said about its ability to change one's skin pigmentation/and help even reluctant tanners such as myself develop a great tan, without even hitting the tanning bed (but even better results in conjunction with tanning). Oh, and the side effect (if you want to call it that) of morning wood . . . I couldn't order it fast enough!

I had back surgery and ended my usage after about a month later as my recovery had recurring effects not allowing me to start training again until now.

I probably would have continued using but I started to get black spots/marks, whatever you want to call them on my body, including my face and actually had one on my face removed by a dermatologist (it was benign but still wasn't digging the tan that much for the trade-off).

Just tried to find out the latest on MT2, if anyone else is still using, if anyone else had experienced this issue and if there's anything else that others might be using these days with without this side effect?

Not finding via search on site. Anyone care to comment or bring me up to speed?