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    Thread: Help back from surgery

    1. #1
      Pellethead's Avatar
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      • Help back from surgery
      What to do? I just completed an emergency spinal surgery. Double severe stenosis and was losing the use of hands and legs. Surgery seemed to immediately fix the hand strength. I've had so many surgeries tho that I need to focus on quality healing. Eating super clean, getting rest but now ready to seek advice from my brothers and sisters who have been down a similar path. HGH makes the most sense but it's hard to know what's legit. This is is super important to so have TO GET IT RIGHT. WOULD IT BE WISER TO RUN MK 677 AND BPC 157 VS "HOPING" FOR LRGIT HGH? OPINIONS PLEASE AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK. i'm PUSHING 60YRS OLD AND NEED TO BE HEALED TO THE BEST OF MY ability.

    2. #2
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Help back from surgery

      bpc and tb for sure man. if it does nothing else for you it will cut down on inflammation and speed up the healing a bit. mk is good as is all the other ghrps out there if you can get legit ones. you can actually look at hrt clinics and get a script for some of them like ipam sermo and a few others. that is unless you can find someone that has pharm grade gh. you can get it from hrt clinics as well at your age but man you are going to pay out the ass for it
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      Yohimbe's Avatar
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      Default Re: Help back from surgery

      I agree, definitely the BPC and TB. Quality HGH is always a toss up, so an HRT clinic is probably your best bet. (Just expensive)
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    4. #4
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      • Help back from surgery
      • Help back from surgery
      • Help back from surgery
      • Help back from surgery
      • Help back from surgery
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      bpc and tb for sure man. if it does nothing else for you it will cut down on inflammation and speed up the healing a bit. mk is good as is all the other ghrps out there if you can get legit ones. you can actually look at hrt clinics and get a script for some of them like ipam sermo and a few others. that is unless you can find someone that has pharm grade gh. you can get it from hrt clinics as well at your age but man you are going to pay out the ass for it
      Agree 100%. I do not know about the GH but for sure the peptides are great.
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