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      What is the proper way to take clen? I got some it is so strong no matter how little I take I am all reved up like nothing else can do

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      Default Re: clen

      i know you are a little on the older end dirt and dont know if you have cardiac or bp issues so i am not one to judge. give me a little bit and i will dig out the bottle of stuff i use to keep the shaking at bay. you do know of course you need at least 4-5g of taurine per day to off set cramping as well as lots of water. i cant remember the one off the top of my head but i will pull it out of my box today and put it up for you
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      Default Re: clen

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i know you are a little on the older end dirt and dont know if you have cardiac or bp issues so i am not one to judge. give me a little bit and i will dig out the bottle of stuff i use to keep the shaking at bay. you do know of course you need at least 4-5g of taurine per day to off set cramping as well as lots of water. i cant remember the one off the top of my head but i will pull it out of my box today and put it up for you
      Thanks guns. I have no known cardiac issues. I stopped BB a long time ago because of hyper tension. Lost 30 lbs. I do tons of cardio and all looks good. I just hate jittering. lowers my quality of life. I heard L-theanine might help reduce jitters but have not tried it. Hypothetical as it does 100% help with too much caffeine.
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      Default Re: clen

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Thanks guns. I have no known cardiac issues. I stopped BB a long time ago because of hyper tension. Lost 30 lbs. I do tons of cardio and all looks good. I just hate jittering. lowers my quality of life. I heard L-theanine might help reduce jitters but have not tried it. Hypothetical as it does 100% help with too much caffeine.
      that's the one man and yes it does work. now when i do use clen which is very very rarely and only for short periods of time to pull off that last tad bit of stubborn fat to get stage ready. i only go up to 60mcg per day. even at 30mcg i shake like a cat shitting razor blades. the theanine completely eliminates the shakes but you still get the jolt of energy and everything else from clen. just not the nasty shakes. so you nailed it and yes it works very well.
      hell before i added it in it was like giving myself a tat when trying to pin, so bad i had the mrs do it for me and i hate getting stuck by anyone else. after first dose i had no issues at all pinning or doing pretty much anything
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      Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
      What is the proper way to take clen? I got some it is so strong no matter how little I take I am all reved up like nothing else can do
      There are so many theories on how to take clen. Some think you should take it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off I've heard three weeks on 3 weeks off personally I take it 2 days on 2 days off. I go as high as 200 mcgs which is a high dose and usually I keep it about 160 but you have to go up slow like you said because of the jitters. You also need to be taking potassium and taurine with it it prevents cramps and it could help with the jitters. I think it's 100 mg of potassium and three turuine caps for bedtime but you should always take that with clen.
      It's a mysterious drug because no one will really admit it 100% worke some people say it doesn't work some people says it works great. Personally if I take it I always mix it with t3 either 12.5 mcgs or 25 mcgs and I get great results so I do believe it works I'm just not positive of the best way to use it just like you and I don't think anybody is. I think next time I use it I'm going to try a month on 3 weeks off something like that rather than the two on too off. I've also known of guys who do two on too off or three on three off and on their off days do the ECA combination with yohimbe also. That combination in itself is a very good fat burner. If you exercise and eat right and do everything right clen can really help and people are scared of t3 and I have no idea why. You can't shut your own thyroid gland by taking t3. it's pretty much impossible from what I've read and if you can you would need to take a tremendous amount for a tremendously long time. I've been on t3 for as long as a year straight with no problems and no rebound even.
      So I guess my recommendation would be try different ways of using the clen but give some t3 a try even half a pill 12.5 mg will make a big difference.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

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