Thanks guns01 for your input butI was more proposing a hypothetical question than saying I have that kinda coin. Trust me, I don't. Esp at that kinda monthly tag! And knowing if ur not on for 3-6 months, don't even bother.

But more to my question or point, if the pharm pens mentioned (Genotropin 36iu / Humatrope 72iu) are listed on I'll use list for $225 & $280 respectively.
And let's use a reasonable dose of 3-4iu's per day (for our purposes) that's roughly about $4 / iu for the Humatrope or about $14 / day . . . X 30 days or $420 / month.

I'm not the brightest person out there either and maybe the bus that picked me up for school really was short because I lived farther away the most other students (although my mom never really was able to explain why I had to wear my football helmet year-round, not just during the season), but one mystery at a time here.

I guess what I'm asking or was trying to with this post is, are the 72iu Humatrope pens that (again just saw them there first) has listed the same product that ur buddy's son gets scripted to him for $900 per pen and if they are, why would anyone use generics or chance buying counterfeit 100iu kits when for an extra $100 -$200 a month they can get the legit pens?

What am I missing?

Thanks again. Shit was much simplier back in the day. Boy do I miss those days!

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