Noopept is my first go to. I take 10 mg 3X a day and I can feel a diff when I take it and when I do not.

Started stacking it with others.

Oxiracetam, ginseng extract, sulbutiamine, phenylpiracetam are ones I take from time to time when I need a brain boost. I do not take any of them always just because you get used to them after a couple weeks.

Adrafinil kicks ass for clean focus and mental awareness with zero jitters. I have AHDA and this actually calms me down and allows me to focus. My wife will take it, sit on the couch and after 30 minutes get up and scrub the baseboards, go for a walk and basically do all the stuff she has been meaning to do. It is the precursor of modafinil, the adrafinil is enzymatically changed in the liver to modafinil and it is amazing.