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  • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
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    Thread: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

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      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      out there and do so by NOT going to an anti-aging facility, but rather purchase from lets say a source on this board (or another if no none here carried the best), what brand you you buy and would it be 100% guaranteed legit or is there counterfeiting even at the top tier level?

      Let me just say that I think the answer might be the either Genotropin Pens by Pfizer (36IU seems to be s common dose) or Humatrope Pens by Lilly (72IU again is what is offered by a supplier here I'm using as an example . . .

      Would this be the best, legit and preferred way to go if price wasn't an object? Also, If they are both pre-loaded pens and straight from manufacturer, why is the Genetropin by Pfizer 36 IU's priced at $225.00 for 36IU and the Humatrope 72 IU's by Lilly only $280.00?

      I'm also assuming that the dosages are still anywhere from 3-4IU's to 6-8IU's per day be required for 3-6 months or not worth even bothering for BB purposes, as was back in the day of legit 100 IU kits that were alot easier to come by and not counterfeited 15-20 years ago as they are now . . .

      Again, this is now outside my wheel-house and I WILL NEVER FUCK WITH 100 IU KITS / ALLEDGEDLY REAL WITH ANTI-COUNTERFEIT SEALS WITH SERIAL NUMBERS THAT ARE VERIFIABLE, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I have tried both these and every type of generic brand under the sun. And frankly, the knock-offs or fakes are so good there days that even when a reputable supplier has a batch that someone tests and it scores in the "Real" range, that never seems to last.

      So, I'm asking my brothers (and sisters) out there that have first hand experience of the enigma as I've laid it out above to please sprinkle some modern day knowledge on someone like myself that has been playing the iron game for over 30 years now and just trying to get back to a somewhat former version of myself. Trust me, back in the day, things were much simpler and at 52 years old with my competitive years behind me and attempting a comeback this summer from the latest obstacles (2nd back surgery 6 months ago, sciatica just as of 2 weeks ago subsiding and just had to go from 248 lbs to 209 lbs by a calorie deficit to shed the lbs because I was unable to train with weights or do cardio till now), I need all the help I can get!

      Then only issue I'm asking to be addressed in this post is the HGH one. Thank you in advance for any guidance and taking the time to read this!

    2. #2
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      No really fellas don't be shy, chime in on the above post any time you'd like. I'd love some first-hand knowledge on if the two per-loaded pens - Genetropin by Pfizer 36 IU's priced at $225.00 for 36IU and the Humatrope 72 IU's by Lilly only $280.00 are the real deal and not counterfeited
      I'm also assuming that the dosages are still anywhere from 3-4IU's to 6-8IU's per day be required for 3-6 months or not worth even bothering for BB purposes, as was back in the day of legit 100 IU kits that were a lot easier to come by and not counterfeited 15-20 years ago as they are now. It would seem they are as close as you can come these days to getting the best and most consistent (and expensive but worth it if they are the real deal. LMK please.

      thanks, Lex

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      out there and do so by NOT going to an anti-aging facility, but rather purchase from lets say a source on this board (or another if no none here carried the best), what brand you you buy and would it be 100% guaranteed legit or is there counterfeiting even at the top tier level?

      Let me just say that I think the answer might be the either Genotropin Pens by Pfizer (36IU seems to be s common dose) or Humatrope Pens by Lilly (72IU again is what is offered by a supplier here I'm using as an example . . .

      Would this be the best, legit and preferred way to go if price wasn't an object? Also, If they are both pre-loaded pens and straight from manufacturer, why is the Genetropin by Pfizer 36 IU's priced at $225.00 for 36IU and the Humatrope 72 IU's by Lilly only $280.00?

      I'm also assuming that the dosages are still anywhere from 3-4IU's to 6-8IU's per day be required for 3-6 months or not worth even bothering for BB purposes, as was back in the day of legit 100 IU kits that were alot easier to come by and not counterfeited 15-20 years ago as they are now . . .

      Again, this is now outside my wheel-house and I WILL NEVER FUCK WITH 100 IU KITS / ALLEDGEDLY REAL WITH ANTI-COUNTERFEIT SEALS WITH SERIAL NUMBERS THAT ARE VERIFIABLE, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I have tried both these and every type of generic brand under the sun. And frankly, the knock-offs or fakes are so good there days that even when a reputable supplier has a batch that someone tests and it scores in the "Real" range, that never seems to last.

      So, I'm asking my brothers (and sisters) out there that have first hand experience of the enigma as I've laid it out above to please sprinkle some modern day knowledge on someone like myself that has been playing the iron game for over 30 years now and just trying to get back to a somewhat former version of myself. Trust me, back in the day, things were much simpler and at 52 years old with my competitive years behind me and attempting a comeback this summer from the latest obstacles (2nd back surgery 6 months ago, sciatica just as of 2 weeks ago subsiding and just had to go from 248 lbs to 209 lbs by a calorie deficit to shed the lbs because I was unable to train with weights or do cardio till now), I need all the help I can get!

      Then only issue I'm asking to be addressed in this post is the HGH one. Thank you in advance for any guidance and taking the time to read this!

    3. #3
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      No really fellas don't be shy, chime in on the above post any time you'd like. I'd love some first-hand knowledge on if the two per-loaded pens - Genetropin by Pfizer 36 IU's priced at $225.00 for 36IU and the Humatrope 72 IU's by Lilly only $280.00 are the real deal and not counterfeited
      I'm also assuming that the dosages are still anywhere from 3-4IU's to 6-8IU's per day be required for 3-6 months or not worth even bothering for BB purposes, as was back in the day of legit 100 IU kits that were a lot easier to come by and not counterfeited 15-20 years ago as they are now. It would seem they are as close as you can come these days to getting the best and most consistent (and expensive but worth it if they are the real deal. LMK please.

      thanks, Lex
      well man. i talked with my personal doc about the pricing on no shit gh pens from a us pharm and i also know a dude whose kid has one of the diseases that requires gh. you are looking at no shit over 900 bucks for one single 36iu pen and well over 1k for the 72s actually closer to 2k for that one. so here is the kicker and i am not the smartest dude out there and i know my buddy pays over half for his kids even with top tier insurance. so say i pay 900 bucks for something why would i let it go for less than what i paid? i know their are certain instances where people in a pinch will do so but that is rare. i remember when guys were getting them from aids patients back in the day for pretty cheap. now you can get it from over seas for a little cheaper but again that's where a lot of oounterfits come into play. so if you are going to shell out the money, just be sure you know and trust the source. it is far easier to swallow losing 120-150 bucks than it is to lose almost a grand a pop.

      that's just my mindset and i have used both generic and the pens. tested them out and my numbers came back almost identical. so i just make sure that i am getting a good batch from someone i trust and other people are testing it out and getting good numbers as well.

      also since you say that money isnt an issue, why not get hooked up with an anti aging clinic and get it straight from the source? other than having to pay for the doc visit it is going to cost you close to the same and you will know for damn sure 100% you are getting what you pay for
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      Thanks guns01 for your input butI was more proposing a hypothetical question than saying I have that kinda coin. Trust me, I don't. Esp at that kinda monthly tag! And knowing if ur not on for 3-6 months, don't even bother.

      But more to my question or point, if the pharm pens mentioned (Genotropin 36iu / Humatrope 72iu) are listed on I'll use list for $225 & $280 respectively.
      And let's use a reasonable dose of 3-4iu's per day (for our purposes) that's roughly about $4 / iu for the Humatrope or about $14 / day . . . X 30 days or $420 / month.

      I'm not the brightest person out there either and maybe the bus that picked me up for school really was short because I lived farther away the most other students (although my mom never really was able to explain why I had to wear my football helmet year-round, not just during the season), but one mystery at a time here.

      I guess what I'm asking or was trying to with this post is, are the 72iu Humatrope pens that (again just saw them there first) has listed the same product that ur buddy's son gets scripted to him for $900 per pen and if they are, why would anyone use generics or chance buying counterfeit 100iu kits when for an extra $100 -$200 a month they can get the legit pens?

      What am I missing?

      Thanks again. Shit was much simplier back in the day. Boy do I miss those days!

      Sent from my SM-S337TL using Fitnessgeared mobile app

    5. #5
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

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      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      • If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .
      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      Thanks guns01 for your input butI was more proposing a hypothetical question than saying I have that kinda coin. Trust me, I don't. Esp at that kinda monthly tag! And knowing if ur not on for 3-6 months, don't even bother.

      But more to my question or point, if the pharm pens mentioned (Genotropin 36iu / Humatrope 72iu) are listed on I'll use list for $225 & $280 respectively.
      And let's use a reasonable dose of 3-4iu's per day (for our purposes) that's roughly about $4 / iu for the Humatrope or about $14 / day . . . X 30 days or $420 / month.

      I'm not the brightest person out there either and maybe the bus that picked me up for school really was short because I lived farther away the most other students (although my mom never really was able to explain why I had to wear my football helmet year-round, not just during the season), but one mystery at a time here.

      I guess what I'm asking or was trying to with this post is, are the 72iu Humatrope pens that (again just saw them there first) has listed the same product that ur buddy's son gets scripted to him for $900 per pen and if they are, why would anyone use generics or chance buying counterfeit 100iu kits when for an extra $100 -$200 a month they can get the legit pens?

      What am I missing?

      Thanks again. Shit was much simplier back in the day. Boy do I miss those days!

      Sent from my SM-S337TL using Fitnessgeared mobile app
      if you can get the pens and they are in your price range then that is the optimal route to run. i know guys that mix generic with pharm to plus up their ius and save money. i also know guys that go pure generic and test every single kit, which in turn is costing about the same as just buying pharm grade. so optimally the pens are the best route but the additional 1-200 bucks a month is more than most want to swing, esp when it is a long duration compound and their are no short blast you can do with it
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

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