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  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
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  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

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  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
  • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
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    Thread: Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

    1. #1
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

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      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      So I bought 2 grams of the SR9009 powder from my boys at supreme. when I was doing research I found that injectable is very efficient due to SR9009's median bio-availability and skipping the liver first pass. Injectable means you can use 4-5 times less and get the same or better results. (At least that is what I have decided after all my research)

      I used to love brewing my own gear back 20+ years ago. Note: You could brew a dozen 10ml bottles of test cyp at 250 mg per ml for about $40 for everything.

      I kept my BA, BB Peg300, OE and all my other supplies in a box in the back of my hall closet with sealed vials, sterile oil and some filters. Here are some pics of my recipe (screen shot of powder calculator) and my brewing contraption (Thumb saver for those who have brewed before) and the final product at 20 mg per ml for my animal research. Man been 18+ years since I brewed anything. I must say I miss it.

      I pasteurized it at 150F for 40 minutes after being filtered through a .45 whatman filter.

      I will finish my current SARM cycle, come off for 3 weeks then start SR9009 with my normal 125 mg of script test c I get from my doc which I am on now.

      I will let you know how I do.
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      Default Re: Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

      Totally interested in this I’m adding this sarm here soon! Oral though so be unique to see!

    3. #3
      jipped genes's Avatar
      jipped genes is offline VET
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      Default Re: Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

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      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder

      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      • Brewed my own SR9009 from powder
      I doubt anyone noticed I did not filter with a .22 whatman after the .45 or even just a .22. Some guys will use the .22 and will remove 99.999999% of solid viral particles. I am not worried about viruses just bacteria which the .45 is small enough to remove. Hence forth the pasteurization. Also I did not mention I use my sous vide to heat water to get the the oil to 135F before doing anything. I have found 135 f is cool enough to handle the glassware with nitrile gloves. It is hot but not uncomfortably so. The oil is thinner at this temp and allows faster filtration through the whatman.

      I did use .22 filters back in the day when I made my own bacteriostatic water. Filter then add .8% BA and voilà, perfectly sterile water for your research purposes to reconstitute GH, peptides, make injectable base gear ect.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

      A clear concience is a sign of a bad memory.

      husband of the year

      moose riding maple syrup drinking flanel wearing canuck wannabe

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