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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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    Thread: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

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      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      The good news is no nausea. The bad news, My face is beat red and I'm Hot as hell!!!

      I didn't tell my girl it came today and she's on her way over. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of flushness quick? How many days before side effects wear-off?

      Please advise quickly!!!!

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Good news no nausea. But that flushing is a drag. You should just wear a mask and tell your girl youre just playing it safe. lol..Just kidding...I dont know what would stop that flushing...maybe an ice pack for a while or cold water. Ive not experienced this but maybe it goes away after you get used to it?

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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Wow that was an intense 3-4 hours. I ended up making a buddy come over and take me for a ride thru the park (I live in OH) and it just started dropping from 60's all day to into the 50's so I stuck my head out the window and made him drive through the metro park by my house (about 4 miles one way) and back twice. That did the trick.

      We got home just before my girl got here and I was just about back to normal. My friend's a training partner and told me I'm an idiot and had to reminded him of a competition I'd help him train for 8 year's ago. He placed 2nd previous year with a different training partner and I was there. He could have won too the year before except for one tiny detail (pardon the pun), his calves looked like that of a female 8th grader, especially when everything else was proportionate and he did everything else right and peaked at the right time. I was embarrassed for him!

      So I ended up training with him and making sure we stayed on point, except for the insane increase in frequency of variation of calf movements we added the following year. Topped off by 3x's a week at the end of our workouts, making him run around the entire gym and up and down all 4 flights 5 times . . . with me on his back! Every time he wanted to quit, I told him I was sitting next to a little girl in the audience that asking her mommy during one of his routines, if there was sometime wrong with his legs below his knees because they looking like they didn't belong on his body or of was just born that way.

      He took first that year and now anytime I need a favor, I play that card! BTW - anyone notice all the hot chics in the parks these days?! I'm gonna start walking my dog through the park.

      Anyways, I'm taking about .15cc/ml (15 IUs) per day of MT2 and plan to continue till both bottles are gone in about 4 weeks!


    4. #4
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      the flushing doesnt go away unless you pull back on the dosing even more and that's still no guarantee. that's why i always take mine before bed
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      Wow that was an intense 3-4 hours. I ended up making a buddy come over and take me for a ride thru the park (I live in OH) and it just started dropping from 60's all day to into the 50's so I stuck my head out the window and made him drive through the metro park by my house (about 4 miles one way) and back twice. That did the trick.

      We got home just before my girl got here and I was just about back to normal. My friend's a training partner and told me I'm an idiot and had to reminded him of a competition I'd help him train for 8 year's ago. He placed 2nd previous year with a different training partner and I was there. He could have won too the year before except for one tiny detail (pardon the pun), his calves looked like that of a female 8th grader, especially when everything else was proportionate and he did everything else right and peaked at the right time. I was embarrassed for him!

      So I ended up training with him and making sure we stayed on point, except for the insane increase in frequency of variation of calf movements we added the following year. Topped off by 3x's a week at the end of our workouts, making him run around the entire gym and up and down all 4 flights 5 times . . . with me on his back! Every time he wanted to quit, I told him I was sitting next to a little girl in the audience that asking her mommy during one of his routines, if there was sometime wrong with his legs below his knees because they looking like they didn't belong on his body or of was just born that way.

      He took first that year and now anytime I need a favor, I play that card! BTW - anyone notice all the hot chics in the parks these days?! I'm gonna start walking my dog through the park.

      Anyways, I'm taking about .15cc/ml (15 IUs) per day of MT2 and plan to continue till both bottles are gone in about 4 weeks!

      hahaha thats great man! How did his calves look after you kicked his ass like that?
      That sounds good. 2 bottles in 4 weeks, no doubt that should work good. Im going to start up MT2 again maybe tonight after Ive been off of it since the fall. I will pay close attention to see if there is any post inject nausea or flushing.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      He took first the year we trained together. They may STILL be his favorite body part to train! They did get almost too big after show . . . don't see him as much these day. Might grab a bite or train together couple times a year. But every time I see him I tell him he has the calves of a 12 year old girl! LOL God, I love remembering/hearing about all the funny shit that happened at the gym or while with your buddies from gym. And to think some people hate the thought of going to gym/training. Guess that what makes us different . . . I live for it and can hardly wait to get back! Of course, God only know's when that'll be. Had Spinal Laminectomy/Discetomy surgery(ies) scheduled to be performed together last week . . . what started as an irritation then constant throbbing tooth-ache in my left ass cheek about a year ago got worse as I attempted to work through the pain and keep training until it became apparent, shit wasn't getting better, but worse and I better stop immediately (a few weeks later). This issue got more intense then started traveling on down the left leg and settled in a growing area centered on the side of my left calf and once in a great while for maybe 5 minutes will go away and all these thoughts of working out again and maybe getting back in shape for summer start to run wild till an acute reminder in the form of a sharp and intense jolt of reality hits me in the form of severe sensations of pain in the form of feeling like I'm being stabbed by 100 pins and needles all at once and then reality sets in again and being able to walk my dog or to the mailbox and back become daily goals once again, for now.

      Tomorrow afternoon is my second epidural. The first one in January didn't do shit so I cancelled my second one and then rescheduled after my surgery got cancelled. Who knows, I've heard people say the second one worked much better. I have no alternative but to try at this point. I'll report back min a few days on it (they say it takes 2-3 days to start working if at all).

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      hahaha thats great man! How did his calves look after you kicked his ass like that?
      That sounds good. 2 bottles in 4 weeks, no doubt that should work good. Im going to start up MT2 again maybe tonight after Ive been off of it since the fall. I will pay close attention to see if there is any post inject nausea or flushing.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      How much bacteriostatic water are you mixing with the 10 mg melanotan 2? Ive been off the stuff since last fall and I forget how much water to use lol

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      How much bacteriostatic water are you mixing with the 10 mg melanotan 2? Ive been off the stuff since last fall and I forget how much water to use lol
      i do 2ml myself
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Ditto on the 2cc's of bacwater (I actually do 2.1 cc's assuming no spoilage so I ca do equal shots of 15 IUs or .015cc's ED which works out to 2.1 CC's (or mls) per bottle in 14 days or 2 weeks exactly . . . today was day 6 and I've been alternating sides (sub-Q Obliques) and Have just noticed bruising on right oblique. Is this normal?

      Also, as far as results/reaction to side effects to date - The flushness I experienced after day 1 for first 4-5 hours subsided and no longer an issue (though I still feel internally warmer - thermogenically speaking). I have not noticed any weight loss nor suppression of appetite thus far. And my skin color has yet to change (possibly slightly but not enough for anyone else to notice so I might just be biased when I say maybe a little). As far was increased wood . . . woke up next morning w/morning wood, which, unless I'm on EQ or some serious test (which I currently not) at 51 yo is rare these days. And increased frequency of wood intermittently on any given day.

      That said any recommendations on increasing/changing up dosage or shall I stay the course as is and give a little longer to reached desired result of getting a good tan?

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      I didn’t see it in the previous posts but are you using a tanning bed at all? When I had used mt2 in the past all it took was .5 mg every other night with a twelve minute tanning session the next morning and by the end of the week people were asking where I went on vacation. As far as flushing goes I get it regardless of dosing and the .5mg is the highest I can go without severe nausea.

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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      bruising and a little irritation is normal
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by chemicallyengineered View Post
      I didn’t see it in the previous posts but are you using a tanning bed at all? When I had used mt2 in the past all it took was .5 mg every other night with a twelve minute tanning session the next morning and by the end of the week people were asking where I went on vacation. As far as flushing goes I get it regardless of dosing and the .5mg is the highest I can go without severe nausea.

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      So @ .5 mg EOD you're basically going thru a bottle every 8 days to my 14 days. A little over twice what I'm dosing. As far as tanning, tanning beds are still mandated closed in my state. As are gyms, restaurants, etc .. .I thought this was in every state at this time with no date put on re-opening as of yet. Is this wrong? So no, even if I wanted to, can't tan w/my first cycle of MT2. How long do you stay on before taking a break at .5 mg EOD and how long in between cycles?

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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      I didn’t want to assume you were tanning and that’s why i asked but at the same time I would think you either had access to tanning beds or it was warm enough by you to tan naturally from the sun otherwise I wouldn’t think it would be worth running the mt2 without uv stimulation.
      And maybe I’m getting too old but I get .5mg goes into 10mgs 20 times and then since it’s every other day that equals 40 days for one bottle. I literally only used 2mgs in that week span. I then lowered it to 1 dose per week for two weeks before stopping and I haven’t used it since.

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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by chemicallyengineered View Post
      I didn’t want to assume you were tanning and that’s why i asked but at the same time I would think you either had access to tanning beds or it was warm enough by you to tan naturally from the sun otherwise I wouldn’t think it would be worth running the mt2 without uv stimulation.
      And maybe I’m getting too old but I get .5mg goes into 10mgs 20 times and then since it’s every other day that equals 40 days for one bottle. I literally only used 2mgs in that week span. I then lowered it to 1 dose per week for two weeks before stopping and I haven’t used it since.

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      Maybe we're both getting old but obviously your math is better than mine (or was yesterday after a few drinks yesterday), Actually I honestly was thinking 2 mg bottles instead of 10 mg. My bad.

      And normally I'd concur with waiting till I could tan before trying it, esp. since I do not tan easily. But, I must say for the record, I started last Tuesday, which will make today, day 8 and when I looked into the mirror today and WOW! I can tell a difference, literally overnight! Can hardly wait see what I look like in a few more more days!

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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

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      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      I’m glad to see it has begun to work. Do you get nauseous from it? For me it was pretty intense along with the flushing. I chose the night time schedule on guns suggestion and it definitely seemed to make the sides a little more tolerable as long as I had a fan on me.

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