Ya know, when people randomly ask me "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" which seems to happen quite a bit for some season, I always answer honestly: "All kinda shit, where do you want me to start?" Not to be a smart ass but because I'm less filtered than most and do have (apparently more issues than most, including anger management (exp, when on tren). But where ever the conversation goes from there and many time takes a turn. The way it turns is up to them . . . Somehow, it usually ends up with me quoting the best pro wrestler of all time, The Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Usually the same quote too: "Whether you you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going . .. Woooooo!" Ever feel like sometimes people don't get you? Anyways, there was a reason I started telling this story - Oh, yeah -

The reason I ponder if yet one more thing is wrong with me is on day 9 (two days ago in a previous post from Tuesday) I'd stated that I was definitely seeing a difference as far as my complexion getting darker. And after just a day or 2 I had morning wood.

Today is day 10 and not only has morning wood (afternoon and evening too I'd experienced during days 2-7 - not every day but most) gone away but a swear I'm losing my color too somewhat - definitely not the continuation of or degree of darkness or wood I had experienced during days 1-7!.

Any suggestions, my dose has remained same 15 IUs which equates to.72 mg ED (FREAKSHOW - please feel free to double-check my math!).

I haven't experienced any deal-breaking sides like nausea so I'm willing to dump up my dosage if need be - but thought I'd check with the panel of experienced quasi-experiences from my family/community here first? Fella/Ladies?