Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
Wow that was an intense 3-4 hours. I ended up making a buddy come over and take me for a ride thru the park (I live in OH) and it just started dropping from 60's all day to into the 50's so I stuck my head out the window and made him drive through the metro park by my house (about 4 miles one way) and back twice. That did the trick.

We got home just before my girl got here and I was just about back to normal. My friend's a training partner and told me I'm an idiot and had to reminded him of a competition I'd help him train for 8 year's ago. He placed 2nd previous year with a different training partner and I was there. He could have won too the year before except for one tiny detail (pardon the pun), his calves looked like that of a female 8th grader, especially when everything else was proportionate and he did everything else right and peaked at the right time. I was embarrassed for him!

So I ended up training with him and making sure we stayed on point, except for the insane increase in frequency of variation of calf movements we added the following year. Topped off by 3x's a week at the end of our workouts, making him run around the entire gym and up and down all 4 flights 5 times . . . with me on his back! Every time he wanted to quit, I told him I was sitting next to a little girl in the audience that asking her mommy during one of his routines, if there was sometime wrong with his legs below his knees because they looking like they didn't belong on his body or of was just born that way.

He took first that year and now anytime I need a favor, I play that card! BTW - anyone notice all the hot chics in the parks these days?! I'm gonna start walking my dog through the park.

Anyways, I'm taking about .15cc/ml (15 IUs) per day of MT2 and plan to continue till both bottles are gone in about 4 weeks!

hahaha thats great man! How did his calves look after you kicked his ass like that?
That sounds good. 2 bottles in 4 weeks, no doubt that should work good. Im going to start up MT2 again maybe tonight after Ive been off of it since the fall. I will pay close attention to see if there is any post inject nausea or flushing.