Muscle Building Properties due to Using Peptides
Muscle Building properties due to using peptides

Growth Hormone (GH) exhibits its muscle building effects mainly after its conversion to IGF-1 (Insulin-Like-Growth Factor). This makes IGF-1 an ideal choice of peptides for muscle building, especially since the IGF-1 LR3 version has an extended half-life which allows it to remain active in the muscles for many hours to complete its muscle building stimulatory effects. Likewise, if injected after a workout, the IGF-1 variant Mechano Growth Factor (also known as MGF or IGF-1e) is known to multiply muscle cells and contribute to muscle development. Furthermore, since IGF-1 is a by-product of GH, any peptide which increases levels of GH in the body such as a GHRP product or CJC-1295 product will obviously lead to increased lean muscle mass.

Diet Considerations when using peptides for Muscle Building

For Growth Hormone (GH) to perform its anabolic (muscle building) affects it requires the presence of the body's most anabolic hormone: insulin. This is in contrast to GH related fat loss which requires insulin to be absent. However, since GHRP and fast-acting GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) products (i.e. Modified GRF 1-29) still need time to stimulate the body to release GH from the pituitary gland, the insulin spike must come after the injection and not before, otherwise the GH release will be blunted.
The only exception to this is of course CJC-1295 DAC since it's long-half life and continual release of GH means it is not affected by food timing.
To get the most out of your peptide usage for muscle building, the following guidelines should be followed:
•If injecting just a GHRP or GHRH product on their own, avoid eating/drinking anything high in fat for 3 hours before your injection and anything high in carbohydrates for 2 hours before (i.e. always do your injection on an empty stomach), otherwise the amount of GH release they cause may be significantly blunted leading to poor results. •If injecting both a GHRP and GHRH together (e.g. 100mcg of both GHRP-6 and Modified GRF 1-29) studies have proven that their ability to release GH returns to full-strength as little as 1 hour (60 minutes) post-meal. This gives users greater flexibility with their meal timings, especially since consuming sufficient calories is so critical to building muscle. •Whether injecting GH peptides alone or along with others, always wait at least 20 minutes after your injection before consuming anything. Once at least 20 minutes has passed, consume a food/beverage high in protein and/or carbohydrates to stimulate an insulin spike (if you inject in the morning and around your workout, this meal/shake should be high protein and high carbohydrates, if you inject at night this consumption should be protein only as protein is sufficient enough to spike insulin, but without the negative impact on fat gain which carbohydrates can contribute to).

Beginners Peptide Cycle for Muscle Building

1. CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg per week or

2. GHRP Product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) at 200mcg once per day.
Intermediate Peptide Cycle for Muscle Building

1. GHRP Product at 200mcg +
Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) or

2. GHRP Product at 200mcg +
CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg per day (2 times per day).
Advanced Peptide Cycle for Muscle Building

1. GHRP Product at 200mcg +
CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg (2 times per day) +
IGF-1 at 50mcg after workouts or

2. GHRP Product at 200mcg +
Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) +
PEG-MGF at 200mcg after workouts.