Figure I will throw this up on this board as well.. I don't know a lot of you guys yet so maybe one of you has had similar experience.

Anyone had luck with supplementation or injection to tighten loose skin? Peps.. hgh.. helios.. etc. I was obese growing up until my senior year of high school and went from 285 to 160 before getting into bodybuilding.. so the weight loss has been years ago. I compete now and it's annoying have that little bit of excess skin. It's nothing awful but I have skin on my love handles that won't disappear even in single digits due to the skin, and have a pouch on my stomach that folds in an abdominal thigh.

It's bad enough I want to get rid of it but not so bad in the sense I dunno if a nasty scar would be better. Although I have some in my glutes, lot back, inner thigh, abs and love handles.. I think the glutes and thighs can eventually be filled out.

Just curious if anyone has had success with any home remedies or drug/injection solutions.