Oh yea,one last thing as for your family being on welfare which helped you go to college.Your case would seem warranted for help and was in fact a good thing.Which actually is an entirely different problem with our gov't----TAKING BETTER CARE OF OUR VETERANS.If they had more funds available to veterans than "welfare" per say would not be needed.Veterans,especially war time Veterans should not need a hand out.They EARNED their money and the right to have money for them and their families once back home.

That being a different topic for another thread though,back to your case.I can say that IMO your's is the minority of cases.Most welfare families are not there because they have only this as an option to survive but because they CHOOSE to have this option.Families that claim to "need" welfare to survive continue to have more and more kids,meaning more and more mouths to feed on OUR dime! If you dont have money to feed what kids you have why on earth would you have more? Also have you ever wondered why so many welfare recipients are driving new vehicles? Or wearing tons of gold?? Or have the best cell phones?? Ot have the best and latest electronics for their homes?

If they were truly needy,they would not have such things.Many of these families are collecting in different names and taking advantage of a system that has failed.

With a job they risk being drug tested.With welfare they do not.Whats easier,sitting on their asses getting high all day or having to bust their asses working like us?

Im sorry,but you may have been on welfare because your family truly needed it and made good from its use but the vast majority of welfare recipients do not.If my tax dollars have to support these people than we need better control of how and what they use it for.