Quote Originally Posted by bandaidwoman View Post
I agree, if we are going to go through the expense of testing entitlement recipients, then we need to test all them, including congressional representatives who command a huge retirement portfolio and cadillac health insurance benefits that use up more of our tax monies than welfare recipients.
Regarding the latter, remember, lots of ex-veterans are welfare recipients. Many , post combat veterans, are drug users of some sort or another. I can't begrudge them for what the hell they have been put through, we would be needlessly punishing their family and children.....and once again, they are no more likely to use illicit drugs than the general population. A false positive in a exveteran , he has no legal recourse. A senator, can at least hire a lawyer....

Darlin,I am an ex Marine and have fought for our rights so believe me when I say I have the utmost respect and admiration for all who have served and do and to all who have lost due to serving.The whole point of this war on drugs though,is IT DOES NOT WORK! One of the reasons is that we (the gov't) picks and chooses who gets tested and who get ignored.Who we go after and who we get paid off from! The point is if we really do want to end drug abuse than we have to go in balls deep and have no reservations about who we bring down.PERIOD. All the way from the white house down to your everyday citizens.With that being said,I am also talking about cigarettes and alcohol since they are the biggest drug related killers in the world.Like I said,if we are going to do this than lets do it right and start with the worst and work our way down!

Now since we know that will never happen due to how much money is made from it on both sides,we need to stop wasting time,money and man power on such bullshit things and start re-thinking what needs to be made legal and kept illegal.The prohibition didnt work and neither will this ridiculous war on drugs.