Best Hamstring Exercises & Workouts to build leg biceps

Best Hamstring exercises to develop Hamstring muscles including Leg curls, Straight-leg deadlifts, squats, lunges and Good mornings. Check the correct technique and workouts to blast your hamstring muscles.

Hamstrings are usually a neglected area. Many people even professionals do not train them hard. But these hamstring exercises done properly can make the difference.

Hamstring muscles are also called the Leg biceps.

The Best Hamstring Exercise

The primary exercises for developing the hamstrings is the Leg Curls, done either lying or single legged standing Leg curls.

Leg curls should be the foundation of your Hamstring muscle development. Its the best exercise to develop this area which also gets stimulation from squats and Lunges especially during the lower half range of motion.

So Leg curls hits these area directly and got to be included in every leg training workout.

Other Hamstring Exercises

Straight Leg deadlifts and Good mornings although are primarily lower back exercises also provide a good stretch to hamstring and glutes. These exercises can be performed after you have done with Leg curls.

Sample Hamstring Workouts

Hamstring Muscles respond to stretches and therefore a good hamstring stretch should be the first part of your Leg training. Check these Hamstring stretches to learn more.

Workout # 1

Leg Curls 4 sets of 10,8,6,4 reps

Workout # 2

Leg Curls 3 sets of 8,6,4 reps

Straight Leg deadlifts 3 sets of 8,6,4 reps.

Although some suggest that you do not perform any other body part along with Leg training as it is so demanding, combining lower back exercises along with legs is a good idea as most of the exercises involve both these large muscle groups.

Stay Strong~~!!!