you may feel like a girl doing pushups like this but its only temporary , and you will feel like a sore girl tomorrow i promise.
most big guys are strong , its god telling us he wants us to weight train , so get your ass some weights or get a gym membership. now the holy grail , the hidden secret , the only way do lose lots of weight after you cut the calories back and change to good ones instead of chips a hoy. Walk. yep thats it just walk. Walk for as long as you can , walk on a treadmill or walk in your neighborhood. walking will do the job , it will burn your fat , and it will rev up your metabolism if you do it in conjuction with a good diet. walk everyday for at least fourtyfive minutes. it is very low shock and almost anyone can do it. unless you live in the north it very feasable all year round. or get a gym mship and walk in the heat and the air condition. make sure you have good shoes , maybe even some insoles. i promise you this will work , it will shock the hell out of your body , and you may ffel like crap for a few weeks , but after that youll be buying pants every month. just stick with it and you will be reap the rewards. better sex , feeling better , self confidence, and actually feeling like doing stuff.