Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
samson wasnt to awful bad in 3d, pretty sure curry was in 4th andrew jacked in 5th and hunter in 6th. dont hold me to that but i am pretty sure that's how it went down. samson is a monster but it is so hard to beat hadi and lunsford because they look massive in their own right, flow very very well and have such small waists. samson still needs to bring up his legs and back being so freaking tall.
bunka knives
i am glad lunsford won. he is an awesome dude for sure very humble and graceful to say the least.

i just pulled up the prejudging pics that they put up on saturday and showed them to the mrs who has been in this game for 20 years. i already thought lunsford had it but i asked her, who is the winner you think? she said the white dude right there haha. she said yep and he is in the middle so........... i told her they move them around a lot and she shook her head and said nope, he is going to win.
that was hilarious

It's always interesting to see different perspectives on bodybuilding competitions.