I hate the guy. I have spent time with him on two occasions. The first, I did not think much of him being a total jerk. Anyone can have a bad day. But, after he was worse the second time only one conclusion can be made. Shawn Ray is an arrogant, self absorbed, jerk off. However, I can not deny he had the best physique ever of anyone under 5'6"-5'7". During the Era of Dorian Yates, Kevin Levrone, Nasser, Giants like Paul Dilete, Ronnie Colman, Chris Cormier, Melvin Anthony, Lee Priest, ect. Shawn was never out of the top 5 in the Mr. Olympia and placed as high as second at 210 pounds. That is why Dexter's recent comments using his difference in stage weight hold no water. Bodybuilding is an illusion, you can look much heavier than you actually are. How else could Shawn beat guys like Kevin Levrone at 250? I found some pics that compare Shawn to some bodybuilders people seem to believe would easily beat him, Dexter included, its clear easily is definitely not the word to use. First is Shawn and Flex Lewis. Shawn clearly wins that comparison. Second is Shawn and Flex Lewis from back. Again it's not really close, Flex does not have much of a chance. Flex actually outweighs Shawn. Third again, this is super close and tough to call. Fourth is Lee Priest, someone Shawn never once lost to and Flex Lewis. Again it's not close Lee is so much bigger, and harder. Fifth is Dexter at his 2008 Mr O win and Shawn in 1994 it is super close but you can see how Dexter's weight theory holds no water. Shawn is just as big and IMO slightly better. Sixth is from same years and its clear Shawn wins. That pose isn't close. Shawn has a smaller waist, bigger and more defined quads and is just more aesthetically pleasing than Dexter. I wont go any further. They were both great but no on can convince me anyone 5'7" and under could have beaten Shawn Ray(as much of a jerk off he is).

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