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      Anyone tired of seeing bloated mass monsters on stage? I know I am. Just my opinion but it's not even pleasing to see these guys anymore. It's like they try to pack on as muc muscle as they can with no rhyme or reason.
      I'm looking forward to the classic physique show at the Olympia. Anyone else looking forward to this?

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      Default Re: Classic physique

      i like it to an extent. i dont like the fact that they limit the conditioning a bit in the rules and some of the weight limits are a tad bit low. i mean 6ft and like 215 is pretty stringy for a lot of people. maybe drop the weight limits and actual follow the rules on how the athletes look. i like the big boys to though as long as they are in shape. i have a blocky physique myself so i will never reach the pretty level.
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      yeah, the old school BB were certainly not as big but looked WAY better IMO. Yeah these freaks today are massive but not classy.
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      I cant say i didnt like looking at the crazy size and conditioning of guys like Ronnie Coleman. To me, though, thats not bodybuilding. Bodybuilding was created so people would strive for a symmetrical, balanced, hard and detailed physique. Yet, one that still was pleasing to look at by most people. Someone like Branch Warren goes against every one of these points and I absolutly hate looking at the guy.
      This is also the reason I believe Flex Wheeler is the best Bodybuilder to ever compete. Ronnie beat him on size and just a crazy look from the back. Flex was no joke though. He was not much smaller than Ronnie at Flex's biggest and there is no comparison if you judge who had the most pleasing physique to look at. So, juding it on what bodybuiling was "meant to be" not what it became Flex should have been Mr. O 8+ times. Dorian never and Jay Cutler never. IMO Dorian looked tons better than Jay as did several others. Jay was blocky and not proportionate. He had no hint if any type of V taper. But he had the perfect California sufer boy look to promote the sport. In 2007 Victor Matinez was entirely robbed when they, inexplicably, allowed Cultler to win again.
      Do you realize how much money Victor lost because of that totally ridiculous decision?
      Im a smaller guy anyway who always got by on conditioning and symmetry. A classic physique division would have been perfect for me. Just came 20 years too late.

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    6. #6
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Its about time they did something like that to allow guys with a Frank Zane or Franco Columbu look to win some gold.
      Having a mass monster class is still entertaining to see just how ridiculous those dudes can get, like 350 pounds and ripped to the bone is okay for entertainment purposes. I mean everybody digs seeing a freak show

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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      They, really should not even need to create a new name. It's the judging criteria that needed to be changed. I did pretty well, even in NPC National level contests in the 90s when all there was was bodybuilding. I was not a guy able to carry a tremendous amount of muscle but I was usually the hardest and most proportionate and symmetrical in the top 5. Also, usually one of the smallest muscle mass wise. In four national level contests I did I finished 3rd, 3rd, 2cnd then I finished 6th in the USA. Just missed 5th by 2 points I think and it was Danny Hester who came in 5th.I can't believe he's still at it, because he was older than me. He has to be 50 at least now. The guy who won is the only other I remember. Jesus Christ Jonny Stewart. To this day I swear he somehow beat the weigh-in. We needed to be under 176 and a quarter. This dude looked like a damn heavyweight. Of course he won right away just because he was so much bigger than anyone else. Did I think he looked the best and should have won? No, but I knew he would because that was how they judged.
      If they are going to continue to judge that way then classic physique is a great Idea. If they had it then I definitly would have been competing there and not bodybuilding and most likely doing much better.
      If you look at a picture of Flex Wheeler from, I believe, the 93 Arnold (think he looked his best ever in that contest), think it was 93.Anyway bodybuilding, Classic physique it didn't matter that was the most perfect physique I have ever seen to this day. Tremendous Muscle size but perfectly proportional and no gut whatsoever. That is what every Bodybuilder should shoot for. How he didn't win an Olympia I don't know. I still believe he was the best ever.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Quote Originally Posted by pgcc0313 View Post
      They, really should not even need to create a new name. It's the judging criteria that needed to be changed. I did pretty well, even in NPC National level contests in the 90s when all there was was bodybuilding. I was not a guy able to carry a tremendous amount of muscle but I was usually the hardest and most proportionate and symmetrical in the top 5. Also, usually one of the smallest muscle mass wise. In four national level contests I did I finished 3rd, 3rd, 2cnd then I finished 6th in the USA. Just missed 5th by 2 points I think and it was Danny Hester who came in 5th.I can't believe he's still at it, because he was older than me. He has to be 50 at least now. The guy who won is the only other I remember. Jesus Christ Jonny Stewart. To this day I swear he somehow beat the weigh-in. We needed to be under 176 and a quarter. This dude looked like a damn heavyweight. Of course he won right away just because he was so much bigger than anyone else. Did I think he looked the best and should have won? No, but I knew he would because that was how they judged.
      If they are going to continue to judge that way then classic physique is a great Idea. If they had it then I definitly would have been competing there and not bodybuilding and most likely doing much better.
      If you look at a picture of Flex Wheeler from, I believe, the 93 Arnold (think he looked his best ever in that contest), think it was 93.Anyway bodybuilding, Classic physique it didn't matter that was the most perfect physique I have ever seen to this day. Tremendous Muscle size but perfectly proportional and no gut whatsoever. That is what every Bodybuilder should shoot for. How he didn't win an Olympia I don't know. I still believe he was the best ever.
      that's how it should be and the criteria should be followed to a t but it isnt. not even freaking close. i have seen dudes win with huge 9 month prego bellies they couldnt control or even massive upper bodies with tiny legs not even close to matching. it's pathetic and the women's divisions are just as bad. they will end up ruining classic just like they did bodybuilding. just give it time and the lines will blur in the judging
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Classic physique

      I remember when the mens board short classes started in bodybuilding contests. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. I thought it was some kind of joke. lol
      Not downing any physique competitors. Ive come to accept ithe board short classes as a necessary part of the sport, but I still cant really understand it. It seems like bodybuilding federations like the NPC creates more classes to try and get more contestants and make more money. No9w there are so many classes that those shows drag on for hours. I havent attendced a bodybuilding show in yearsw and I was an NPC Judge for 3 years.

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I remember when the mens board short classes started in bodybuilding contests. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. I thought it was some kind of joke. lol
      Not downing any physique competitors. Ive come to accept ithe board short classes as a necessary part of the sport, but I still cant really understand it. It seems like bodybuilding federations like the NPC creates more classes to try and get more contestants and make more money. No9w there are so many classes that those shows drag on for hours. I havent attendced a bodybuilding show in yearsw and I was an NPC Judge for 3 years.
      it is all about the money man. that's is it
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Classic physique
      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I remember when the mens board short classes started in bodybuilding contests. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. I thought it was some kind of joke. lol
      Not downing any physique competitors. Ive come to accept ithe board short classes as a necessary part of the sport, but I still cant really understand it. It seems like bodybuilding federations like the NPC creates more classes to try and get more contestants and make more money. No9w there are so many classes that those shows drag on for hours. I havent attendced a bodybuilding show in yearsw and I was an NPC Judge for 3 years.
      I can't apologize for still thinking that class is a total joke. I will help anyone for nothing but, twice I've told guys no who wanted to compete in that BS. When they were ready to train their legs, then, I would do whatever they needed.
      May as well create a division where you wear posing trunks and a huge sweat shirt. Basically the same, ridiculous, thing.



      She was my training partner for four years and the best I ever had. IFBB WOMAN'S BB PRO. She was also one of my best friends. She committed suicide in March of 2011. R. I. P.

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    12. #12
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Classic physique
      Quote Originally Posted by pgcc0313 View Post
      I can't apologize for still thinking that class is a total joke. I will help anyone for nothing but, twice I've told guys no who wanted to compete in that BS. When they were ready to train their legs, then, I would do whatever they needed.
      May as well create a division where you wear posing trunks and a huge sweat shirt. Basically the same, ridiculous, thing.



      She was my training partner for four years and the best I ever had. IFBB WOMAN'S BB PRO. She was also one of my best friends. She committed suicide in March of 2011. R. I. P.

      Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using Tapatalk
      that's unfortunate that your training partner did that man. i trained with a female bodybuilder from the late 80s and early 90s for a period of time. no longer a beast but damn if the knowledge and drive werent off the chain. hell some of the best training partners i have ever had have been females. as for the board shorts, i fucking hate it and think it is stupid. no way in hell i would not train my lower body for starters, nor would i suffer for weeks on end and work my ass off just to cover up a significant portion of my body. some people are both lazy and clueless.
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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Classic physique
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      that's unfortunate that your training partner did that man. i trained with a female bodybuilder from the late 80s and early 90s for a period of time. no longer a beast but damn if the knowledge and drive werent off the chain. hell some of the best training partners i have ever had have been females. as for the board shorts, i fucking hate it and think it is stupid. no way in hell i would not train my lower body for starters, nor would i suffer for weeks on end and work my ass off just to cover up a significant portion of my body. some people are both lazy and clueless.
      She helped me so much it was ridiculous. I met her before I started competing nationally. She took me three hours away, when I first met her, to see her trainer. I have no idea if you follow competitive bodybuilding or did back then but the guy was training her, Willie Stallings(who ended up winning the overall at the nationals beating Jay Cutler and already won the overall at the Jr. Nationals over Dave Palumbo00), Jack Smith(also turned pro) and a really, really good middleweight whose name I can't remember (he took 3rd in the nationals). He didn't charge me anything and did help tremendously over the next few years.

      She was bi-polar. I never thought it could ever come to that. But, it did. Very sad.



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      Default Re: Classic physique

      Classic physique
      Quote Originally Posted by pgcc0313 View Post
      She helped me so much it was ridiculous. I met her before I started competing nationally. She took me three hours away, when I first met her, to see her trainer. I have no idea if you follow competitive bodybuilding or did back then but the guy was training her, Willie Stallings(who ended up winning the overall at the nationals beating Jay Cutler and already won the overall at the Jr. Nationals over Dave Palumbo00), Jack Smith(also turned pro) and a really, really good middleweight whose name I can't remember (he took 3rd in the nationals). He didn't charge me anything and did help tremendously over the next few years.

      She was bi-polar. I never thought it could ever come to that. But, it did. Very sad.



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      yessir, know of them and i followed along closely back in those days. still do to some degree but it is so watered down now with everything i really dont pay a whole lot of attention to the up and comers any more. i just focus more on myself and enjoy doing my thing
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      Honestly, I don't either. It's so easy to turn pro now they just made it a joke and it's hard for me to watch. Just turning pro alone used to be huge now it really means nothing. So, I have no idea who competes now in the amateur NPC. I do follow, not as closely, but I do the open pros.

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