I have a new product that will be for sale on my website www.boduybuildersbodywash.com

I want to explain some information about current diet pills and why my product is the safest and most natural way to lose weight.

name and product will be released once the trademarks are in place

Here's some info on traditional diet pills most don't know.

1. Fat burners don't exist, there are only stimulants that increase resting heart rate and exercise output which burns extra calories.

2. Appetite suppressants are a doubled edged sword. You need the correct calories to function otherwise you'll have no energy to exersice. Most people will just not eat for a few days then crash because of no carbs then end up binge eating.

The only way to loose weight is to eat correct ratios of food to properly fuel the body and to burn more calories than you consume.

Start small subtracting 500 calories a day will equal a loss of 3500 calories per week which is one pound of fat. You won't crash and will be able to function normally and exercise.

Replacing bad calories with good calories low in fats and sugars will cause natural weightloss that will not negatively effect your mental or physical state. For instance replacing soda with seltzer water can cut 200 to 800 bad calories per day depending on how much you consume.

But this is where 90% of people fail they simply cannot stand the taste of healthy foods. Taste is what drives most people in what they eat! If you don't enjoy it you won't do it when the going gets tough.

This is where my product comes into play. You can safely and with zero calories or negative side effects temporarily change your taste buds to magnify sweet and sour flavors.

What this means is that you won't be able to drink soda or consume bad calorie foods loaded in sugar because the taste is to sweet to consume. This also means that now low in sugar bitter or sour good calorie foods like fruits, veggies, vinegar are enhanced and will taste great!

All you do is let my all natural pill disolve on your tongue then for 1hr your taste buds are altered. This will allow ppl to avoid bad foods then when they are tempted and if they do decide to eat them they won't be able to bc of the taste.

This works by temporarily changing all taste buds to sweet.

2-3 weeks until I have finished product in hand professionally packaged ready for sale. 20.00 per box of ten doses at 2.00 per tablet.

Wouldn't you pay 2.00 to skip a 800 calorie mistake and stay on point with your diet. There's no racing heart or upset stomach just temporarily altered taste you use to your dieting advantage.

This works great for those with diabetes, that have heart conditions or get chemo and can't eat due to taste. As well as men, women, kids and athletes.