1. Heal skin cuts
2. Soothe and heal Burns
3. Disinfect
4. Antiseptic and Anti Fungal
5. For facial and body acne
6. For Athlete's foot
7. For Dandruff
8. For Razor burn
9. For Boils
10. For Lice
11. For Eczema

12. For Psoriasis
13. For Heat rash
14. Poison Ivy/oak
15. Sores
16. Bruises
17. Removes Excess oil from the skin
18. Soothe Razor Burn
19. Treat Dry skin
20. Bug Bites

And that's Just to name a Few........

The gym is a very dirty place filled with bacteria, germs, and disease, that's why you need a superior personal hygiene product. You wash your hands with anti bacterial soap why not clean your entire body that way? Bodybuilders Bodywash is designed to keep you healthy and kill the germs and bacteria that make you sick, cures oily skin, gets rid of most body acne in less than one week. Don't settle for a Bodywash that just covers up Body Odor with chemicals and cologne. Use Bodybuilders Bodywash a more advance solution to killing germs and improving skin healing and health.