There’s nothing worse than hooking up with a girl and getting blindsided the nextmorning with an email from her address: Forget about the fact thather email asks if you wore a condom (you didn’t) and whether or not she should gopick up some Plan B (she should). Instead, your worry should be the Hotmail URL in heremail address. Of course, you can automatically forget about checking your fantasyfootball stats at her house (she still has dial-up), and you can say sayonara to yourgo-to soft porn DVDsthat you use to spice things up at her place (she’s rocking a VCR). But the womanwho hasn’t stepped into the Gmail game is 95% likely to be problematic. Is she fromthe sticks? Is she a psycho Craigslist killer? Does she even know how to read? It almostdoesn’t matter. Just stay away. Continue Reading
