The Woman's Day staff was intrigued by the wide range of shoes now available that claim to tone your body while you walk, so we decided to put them to the test. We had staffers try one pair of sneakers for three weeks, keeping their regular activity consistent. Did they get results from their new kicks? Read on.

Earth Exer-Walk
This is not your mother's Earth shoe! The stiff, strangely shaped '70s version has given way to a much more comfortable, flexible shoe with a very roomy toe box. Many people have even commented on how nice-looking it is. The famous "negative heel" is lower than the very pronounced arch, and this actually makes you stand up straighter and feel more grounded. The sunken-heel feeling takes a bit of getting used to (if you're a devoted high-heel wearer, this may be tough). But I definitely felt that my leg muscles were getting a good but not too strenuous
workout, and the shoes were very easy to walk in all day. ($69; -Diane Oatis

Instead of being aerodynamically designed, NGR shoes are equipped with "Heavy Midsoles" that add resistance when you wear them-similar to how ankle weights work. I learned the hard way that these shoes aren't for just slipping on and heading out (an old knee injury flared up when I did), so it's best to
stretch out beforehand as the instructions indicate. I was definitely sore-especially in my thighs-after wearing them. Overall, these shoes are probably a good fit for experienced walkers looking to boost their normal workout routine. ($159.99, includes one weighted and one non-weighted midsole; -Meghan Ahearn

Skechers Shape-Ups
These "Motivation" shoes look bulky-the soles are several inches thick and slightly curved on the bottom to provide a gentle rocking motion. But when I had them on they actually felt pretty light and comfortable. While wearing them, my butt and thigh muscles seemed more "activated" compared to when I walk in regular sneakers. It didn't really translate into any sort of toning of my body, though. Granted, I didn't wear them all day long, but after three weeks of wearing them while walking approximately 40 minutes a day, I didn't see any difference in how my body looks or feels. Bottom line: These won't replace the gym (or other form of exercise), but if they motivate you to
keep moving, then by all means pick up a pair. ($110; -Barbara Brody

On the style front, the Cogent Rachel is impressive. Its black color and streamlined design allowed me to unabashedly pair them with sweatpants or jeans. On the functional front, I wore the shoes for two weeks for my half-mile walk to and from the subway each day and admit that I noticed a definite
toning effect in my lower body. But it could also be my regular workout routine (3 to 5 times a week), spinning regimen (twice a week) and the start of my outdoor soccer season (twice a week) that contributed to the welcome result. ($155; -Brynn Mannino

For three weeks, I wore the very comfortable SpringBoost Motion shoe to and from work, which is roughly one mile per day. They were extremely easy to walk in and fit very well (the sneaks run about one full size bigger than my normal shoe size, however). Each time I put them on, they seemed to fit better-possibly molding to my feet? While wearing them, I noticed the inclination (your heel sits lower than the ball of your foot) made me work a little harder on every step. I had the impression that I walked farther and faster than I actually did. Overall, the shoes seem like they would work if worn for a long period of time during daily activities. ($140; -Olivia Putnal

I incorporated a pair of MBT Foras into my daily commute, and after three weeks, I didn't notice a discernible difference in inches or muscle tone. However, I chalk that up to my relative lack of motility-I can definitely see how the shoes could super-charge a more serious walking regimen. I could feel different muscle groups being put to work when I had the shoes on, particularly in the lower butt and hamstrings. Plus, the curved soles were easy on the balls of my feet, which are constantly inflamed from years of running around in high heels. On the negative side, the shoes affected my gait in a funny way; I felt as though I were bouncing with each step. Also, the clunky design of the sneaker makes them stick out like a sore thumb with any outfit-even athletic wear. ($245; us. -Heidi Cho

Reebok EasyTone
The Reebok EasyTones were comfortable, and the rounded bottom made me feel as if I were walking slightly forward-almost like it was propelling me forward. Though I wouldn't wear the shoes to work out because of the center-of-gravity issue (a friend told me she tried it and lost her balance), I did wear them on my daily two-mile walk. There wasn't a huge change in my measurements, but my thighs and butt area became more toned. Overall, if you're a serious walker, buy the shoes, but I don't think they're effective just for the occasional use or weekend wear. ($109.99; -Ellen Breslau