From: Newt Gingrich
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 9:56:21 AM
Subject: The Abortion Lie in the Healthcare Bill

Dear Friends,
This week, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are trying to pass the Senate health bill in the House.

They're claiming that the bill does not fund abortions. This is a lie.

Page 2071 of the Senate health bill specifically says abortions will be paid for with federal funds.

Tell Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid you will not stand for this moral outrage or their outright duplicity.


It says "We the undersigned demand that no healthcare legislation be passed that uses taxpayer money for abortions."

It also features a powerful video from ReAL Action, the citizen arm of Renewing American Leadership that shows the lies of the left and the clear language of the Senate bill that says it funds abortion.

SIGNING OUR PETITION HERE will demonstrate how many Americans are opposed to the left's health bill and will not stand for taxpayer dollars funding abortion.

And once you have signed our petition, please forward this email to 5 of your friends.

Your friend,
P.S. CLICK HERE to sign our petition demanding that no taxpayer money be used for abortions in the health care bill.