So I picked up my oldest from school today, he's a senior in high school and required to take government to graduate. He tells me he's discovered that he is a liberal. Hmmmm. Interesting I say considering you are looking at joining the military. The very military that Obama wants to dismantle.
Well, long story short, it was back to school night tonight. I met his government teachers, 2 very nice, young women who did nothing to make you think they would pollute the kids minds with their personal political views. When they start discussing what their 1.5 hour class would entail, it became very clear. They spend every class reading the WASHINGTON POST for 20 minutes. No option of any other paper. No option of any other paper media. Just the Washington Post. Let me tell you, it took everything I had to sit there for the 10 minute synapsis of their curriculum. They showed a graph they had done that day after the kids had answered a series of 10 questions on their beliefs. ONE KID, I repeat, one kid showed to have a more conservative view. Unbelievable. Downright.