Pro-Hillary Group Decries Sexism at Palin" (The Hill) -Top Hillary Supporters Express Outrage and Defend Sarah!


A women's group that hosted Hillary Rodham Clinton during an event at the Democratic convention last week is expressing outrage "against misogynist smears" directed at Sarah Palin.

WomenCount, a nonprofit organization focused on women’s issues, released a statement on Tuesday titled "Sexism and Sarah Palin."

"We will defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we like her or support her, but because that's how feminism works," the group’s statement reads.

WomenCount established a political action committee (PAC) in May in response to pressure for Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) to bow out of the Democratic presidential primary.

The group cited media accounts on TV, radio and print that it claims are sexist.

WomenPAC said that the notion that Palin is a bad mother because she accepted Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) offer to be on the ticket "underscores just how far we have to go."

The statement adds, "Regardless of the candidates' ideology, we will work to stamp out sexism when we see it on the campaign trail."

Clinton appeared at a WomenCount event last Tuesday in Denver.