tom -- the shipping dwarf for has been EXTREMELY busy and has had no time to even sleep (barely),go out, get laid, or even visit his family!

I just ask a few good bro's to pass an e-mail to him letting him know he is doing a good job getting everybody their stuff as fast as he can.

You see.....I scream at him EVERYDAY about getting shit out on time....and this I do not want to change anything by personally telling him"good job"...I have been freinds with him for over 10 years...and that might make him slack.

So....again, I ask you guys to let him know how you feel about the job he is doing (if you are honestly happy with his service)....I would appreciete it greatly! If you have bad stuff to say....well please address that to me.

here is his direct e-mail:

thanks guys...
