Obama Insulted My Black Military History in Europe

I realize that Barack Hussein Obama walks on water and departs the seas. However, his visits to France and Germany have made me even more determined in my resolve that he will NOT get my African-American Black Colored Negro vote under any circumstance. And I personally wish that my fellow African American voters would wake up and stop drinking from the fountain of ju-ju juice that has caused us to lose all senses of the fact that the Black Community is only a mere pawn for Obama's ambitions.

More specifically, while Obama was busy crowning himself the world's leader, he missed a tremendous opportunity to highlight the enormous accomplishments of the 92nd American Expeditionary Forces that served in France with distinction during WWI. This was the very first Army Division of Black soldiers to fight for this country. Yes, Black people have fought in all our wars. However, this was the very first time that an entire Division of Black "Officers" and soldiers was assembled. And when they left France, the Division left with the Highest awards that the French Governmant had ever given American troops.

In addition, most of the Officers of the 92nd Division were the products of what we now call HBCUs. And most of them were also memebers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity who "Volunteered" to serve this country and had to face the worst that ou military could offer at that place in our history. However, they accomplished missions with both valor and patriotism to this country.

In fact, the Germans constantly dropped propaganda material down on them questioning why they would "fight" for such a country that did not recognize them equally.

Instead of promoting Patriotism within the Black Community, in my opinion the Obama Campaign is promoting racial division, and this is why "African-Americans" represent such as small percentage of our current fighting forces.

But even more importantly, this Obama trip shows me that I would make a better Commander-In-Chief than Obama. At least I know American Military History, I can write a Battle Plan, and I am extremely familiar with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

But in all honesty and fairness, I must say that instead of "Re-inventing" himself to the American people, Barack Obama has been "Revealing" himself.

And he s, to me, showing that he is an "empty" wagon making a lot of noise

I realize that most people taking the time to read this Post won't understand what I am trying to convey. And I also know that probably 99% of the African American public have a complete lack of knowledge of the 92nd. But if they did, then they too would be as insulted as I am.

And then to not even "visit" our wounded troops in Germany shows that Obama is o self-centered and so self-contained that he cannot see the Forest for the trees.

However, "time' is a wonderful thing. A, nd because Obama, in his own mind
already believes that he is the President of the United States of America, he has been steadily showing the American Public who he really is and what he is "Not" about.

And to me, he is "Not" the person who should take the next Oath of Office fot he Presidency of the United States of America.

He is weak, scripted, vain, arrogant, self-serving, but yet an excelleny Used Car Salesman.

Just beware of the Wolf wearing the Sheep's clothing.
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