:Communist China Protecting Obama :

China is a Communist Country. There subjects have no rights or freedom of speech. They are allowed one child per family (The party controls their population growth.) The Party controls every aspect of their subjects lives. Those that dare to speak out against injustice is serverely punished and thrown into prison for an indefinite amount of time, in some instances their families will never see or hear from them again!

China is one of the wealthies countries in the world! The party elites control the wealth. As a Socialistic country their party is as far to the left that you can possibly go. They consider themselves the "Intellectual Left." Yes, they believe in Capitalism but, only for the "party elites."

People is this what we want for this country? Should we give up our "Democratic Way of Life?" Should we sacrifice the rights and freedoms that we have inherited from those before us? What about our constitutional rights?

Mr. Obama and some in the Democratic party and their "special interest groups" would love to have this proud country under their thumbs to do as they please with us!

Senator John McCain is an honorable man, who fought for this country and it's people for the freedoms that we enjoy! Take off those "rose colored" glasses and stand up and fight for this country's existence!