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    Thread: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

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      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      This President just keeps getting lower and lower as a human being~~~~~~~~~am I the only one getting sick of this joker?

      Bush Says Economy Sound As Inflation Rises To Record Levels

      With three more financial outlets collapsing under the economical meltdown last week, queues of angry people outside banks with no access to their money, inflation at its highest rate for 27 years and scores of economists predicting a recession may tip into a full blown depression, president Bush reacted by declaring that the economy is still fundamentally sound.

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Keep thinking the sky is falling. Or is it that it makes you feel better about blaming things on someone?
      The coreinflation rate is still very low. It is food and energy that is driving the inflation rate. If you are upset about energy driving inflation, thank the democrats for not wanting to drill for oil and making frozen tundras wildlife preserves.
      If your mad about food driving inflation, blame the democrats for farm subsidies that get plugged in every pork bill they pass.
      27 years ago was 1981. Ronald Reagan just took office and inflation was over 10%. Spitting out nonsensical stats will just make you look silly.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      A good strong economy statistically, factually can bear an 80% rise in a barrell of oi.

      So, while the whole sup-prime mess was going on oil went from 50-90 bucks.

      that was okay, tack on another year, and it wrecks alot of stuff

      I still go back too the basics...

      War, buy commodities

      This last week has been pretty significant, we have seen lot's of action on lot's of fronts, which is turning the sentiment.

      Look at it this way, the dollar falling means, our huge debt is on one of those high interest rate credit cards, well if you don't start doing some stuff, the ccompany keeps raising the rates.

      Big Thing This Week

      1. Bush: There Will Be Drilling, granted no energy policy, which nixon championed back in 74 and has gotten no where for 34 years, has finally reached and oh crap point

      2. SEC: finally cracked down on naked short selling, basically what the SEC is saying is we have not been doing are jobs and you foxes have killed too many chickens, we're coming after u

      3. Oil finally cracked, what's going on is we are using less, the refiners are going bankrupt and decided, hmmmmmm, we're going bankrupt, do we want to go bankrupt real real fast like the airlines, or real slow and have a chance, so he refiners and lot's of other folks quit buying oil, what's the point, so u can lose money, so realistic supply demand is back in play

      4. Bush on Iran, imho, there is tons of major back room stuff going on.......Speculation is Observation........so, if u listen u can cross the t's and dot the i's

      first we got leaks of cia having turned many iranians into covert ops that are running insurgency tit for tat in iran, the reality is that insurgents are like a knat too us, where as for iran it's like a loose tiger, so, i think we really got some bad smack working

      the missile tests, israels not irans, who cares about irans, we could toast the whole country in one day and everyone knows it, israel might be rattling a saber, yet, they took out syrias nuke site, and they ain't kidding, bush comes out friday and re-iterates we're behind em

      and now, we got a no pre-condition meeting with iran

      my best guess is the riot act has been read, and iran has decided they would rather live than die

      the whole problem is five years ago, iran had 30 center-fuges, our let's not talk to them policy has gotten us nowhere, and iran now has 3,000 centerfuges, so obviously by the facts it's a failed policy

      yet, u gotta go back to reality, iran knows we can toast em in one day,

      so, we got 3 wins too irans one


      israel will do it
      we have an insurgency in there country going on
      we can blow em up and bush is on a time line

      iran, wow, they got ceterfuges, not much good if u r dead

      so, in summary, i'd say iran caved finally

      u gotta realize dzone as much as we b and moan about bush, aukie boy has the same problem, and there folks are thinking, hmmmmmmm, if they blow up our nuke stuff, will they steal our oil, could they do it, hell yeah, they still can't even refine oil or provide jobs for there countrymen

      basically we've been in tea kettle, country the steams blowing, and we're all gonna have tea and crumpets, rather than throw the kettle at each other

      also, finally finally finally because we're addressing this stuff, the dollar is starting too strengthen on the confidence, okay, they are taking actions

      when americans take action, watch out, there are no one better on earth, we are no different than anyone else letting things getting out of hand, yet, when it comes too change, no one does it better faster and quicker

      at the bottom it looks the worse yet that's when u can see some light if u look

      on a realistic basis, 4 buck gasoline ain't a bad deal, it's a cross roads too change, we are an energy economy, and we have too transitions, and we will

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Looking at the housing market, the auto industries, financial outlets collapsing, looks like the early 80s to me. Things are going to get worse before it gets better and I do remember the 80s very well. What I need to do is stop watching the news and reading the paper, because it just making me look silly.

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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      oh, don't forget, they are saying surge is officially successfull, we will start drawing down in sept

      and malicky wants a time line

      what this says, is: BORROWING MONEY TO RUN THE WAR, is ending, ie, we ain't borrowing no more money, so we can start paying off the piper rather than making the piper rich

      these are all huge huge huge things in macro terms

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Quote Originally Posted by firstenrgy View Post
      Keep thinking the sky is falling. Or is it that it makes you feel better about blaming things on someone?
      The coreinflation rate is still very low. It is food and energy that is driving the inflation rate. If you are upset about energy driving inflation, thank the democrats for not wanting to drill for oil and making frozen tundras wildlife preserves.
      If your mad about food driving inflation, blame the democrats for farm subsidies that get plugged in every pork bill they pass.
      27 years ago was 1981. Ronald Reagan just took office and inflation was over 10%. Spitting out nonsensical stats will just make you look silly.
      LOL...being chicken little or following the Pollyanna principle, both are ridiculous. Everything is beautiful!!!...Everybody has a wonderful home to live in and a really terrific job to go to!!!...Stats? I didnt spout specific stats nor did I ever say the sky is falling...I dont know what you mean. you want a stat? Heres one for you:53% increase in foreclosures over last year at this time. Try telling those families who have lost their home that everything is just fine. do you give a rats ass about these people? Oh, I guess if youre rush limbaugh , you think these people should have just worked harder or gotten a second job. Lets just deny, deny, deny!!!! I like that candidate who said "The economy is in a shambles and we need to pull it together and work through this"...Oh, and those people that are being laid off and are now unemployed? Well, they just arent trying hard enough to find a job, it's their own dam fault

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      I cant believe anyone is trying to defend this adminstration.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      LOL.... you want a stat? Heres one for you:53% increase in foreclosures over last year at this time. Try telling those families who have lost their home that everything is just fine. do you give a rats ass about these people? Oh, I guess if youre rush limbaugh , you think these people should have just worked harder or gotten a second job. Lets just deny, deny, deny!!!! I like that candidate who said "The economy is in a shambles and we need to pull it together and work through this"...Oh, and those people that are being laid off and are now unemployed? Well, they just arent trying hard enough to find a job, it's their own dam fault
      Yet you blame GWB for easy lending standards that put people in these homes? Hmmmmm? How many loans did he approve? Let me look?... NONE! The foreclosures rate is due to easy lending standards. GWB has ZERO say in the fed, your argument is weak. You totally blew off the original BS stat that was thrown around and moved on to a new one. My advice, vote Obama. Then, God help you.

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

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    10. #10
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Quote Originally Posted by firstenrgy View Post
      Yet you blame GWB for easy lending standards that put people in these homes? Hmmmmm? How many loans did he approve? Let me look?... NONE! The foreclosures rate is due to easy lending standards. GWB has ZERO say in the fed, your argument is weak. You totally blew off the original BS stat that was thrown around and moved on to a new one. My advice, vote Obama. Then, God help you.
      Good Lord...You are hallucinating. Blaming w for foreclusures? Huh? I voted for W twice and most likely will vote for Mccain. Unfortunately, there are some people who are so partisan, close minded and blinded by the party line that all they can see is what they want to see. Plus, your rage and anger is obvious. Double your prozac dood.

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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      OMT, I admit to some anger at Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. LOL...Let me see, um, Bush has an approval rating that is the worst in modern history...Hmmm, of course that poll was done by a bunch of liberals....sure

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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Good Lord...You are hallucinating. Blaming w for foreclusures? Huh? I voted for W twice and most likely will vote for Mccain. Unfortunately, there are some people who are so partisan, close minded and blinded by the party line that all they can see is what they want to see. Plus, your rage and anger is obvious. Double your prozac dood.
      Who is to blame for lending standards? You must be on triple prozac. You seem to identify with the drug. DOOOOOD

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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      LOL The blame game is favorable nowadays... Heck we are all to blame! Whitey has been keepin me down!

    15. #15
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      Default Re: Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

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      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?

      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      • Bush says economy is fine...WTF?
      he ll ya, i intend to sue the shyt out of anyone that hurts my feelings...I deserve to be paid $$$cash for my pain...plus, I went out and some idiot ran into my car so now I can get a new jetski with my settlement check..woohoo...jackpot...plus, im on disability from work cuz some idiot left water on the floor and i twisted myankle and fell on my as$...I cant even work now cuz of my stupid boss...its totally his fault im all f**ked up.

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