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    Thread: RevTodd..... A question sir

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      angryoldman's Avatar
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      • RevTodd..... A question sir

      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      Damn, I just love having a Minister in here. I can get answers from the second hand man! How is it working for God? I hear the benefits are awesome!
      My question is this:
      In the Bible, it talks about killing. God said "turn the other cheek...." Obviously, "thou shall not kill" is one of the 10 commandments.
      So how does one look at killing during war? Or, better yet, how does one look at killing someone trying to harm you? If someone were to break into my home, and I fear for my families safety, and I kill that person, am I now a someone who broke one of the 10 commandments, and am going to hell? Or at any point in the Bible, is killing justified?
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Hi AOM... I am out of town and have limited time on a relative's computer, but I'll try to get you an answer when I get back and have the opportunity. Just wanted to let you know I saw the question... This has to do with pacifism vs. just war theory and other issues...

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Interested in hearing this as well.

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Good question AOM, it kinda goes along with something that I've been wondering about, where should someone draw the line with "turning the other cheek" so as to not become a human doormat?

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Excellent question. I always wondered about this too.

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      I believe there is a big dif between having to kill to save ones life or their family and cold blooded murder, even in catholisim there are dif levels of sin. Venial and mortal. God knows the differences and if one's intent is justified. Even in the Old Testament there are explanitions for different sins in the lives of ppl that lived back then, and alot can be applied to the modern day experiences we deal with.

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by angryoldman View Post
      Damn, I just love having a Minister in here. I can get answers from the second hand man! How is it working for God? I hear the benefits are awesome!
      My question is this:
      In the Bible, it talks about killing. God said "turn the other cheek...." Obviously, "thou shall not kill" is one of the 10 commandments.
      So how does one look at killing during war? Or, better yet, how does one look at killing someone trying to harm you? If someone were to break into my home, and I fear for my families safety, and I kill that person, am I now a someone who broke one of the 10 commandments, and am going to hell? Or at any point in the Bible, is killing justified?

      The Bible also says in Genisis "If the blood of man shall be shed by man, then so shall his blood be shed by man". The Bible also says to obey the laws of man. (with reason of course) So, if your life is in danger, then of course you have the right to defend it. But, the Bible is very clear on different things. For instance, if someone kills your wife and you kill them in revenge, well, that's wrong, but so is getting drunk. So, the real answer is, where is the heart of the killer? If the killer is the one who acted out of self defense or out of emotional instability, then a person who is saved will be forgiven. If the killer is the one who acted out of greed or jeolousy or some other selfish reason AND that person is not saved, then they would'nt be forgiven.

      Sin is sin and there is no one sin that is any worse than any other. You can never take back a sin, ever. So, those of us who have an authentic belief, will be forgiven, those who don't, will not. It's that simple. God knows what's in your heart and that's what determines whether or not you are forgiven.
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH View Post
      but werent the ten commandments in the old testament?? before christ? those people didnt have a jesus who died for their sins. therefore, if we break a "commandment", ask seriously for forgiveness, we will be forgiven. am i not right??? like in leviticus, there are all of those abominations that nearly all of us dont follow.....

      Leviticus 19:19: "do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."

      Leviticus 19:27: "do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard"

      Leviticus 11 speaks of regulations regarding clean and unclean food; that we must not eat of anything that does not have a split hoof, or anything without fins or scales in the water, or specific kinds of birds, or any flying insects that walk on all fours; Leviticus 12 speaks of women being ceremonially unclean for seven days following childbirth, and must wait 33 days, unless she has a daughter, then must wait 66 days to be purified from her bleeding and then must bring a sin offering and be cleansed before being allowed to worship.
      Also, with the Old Testament, make sure not to confuse the Law with Christian obligation. The Law was a covennat between God and the Jews, that's it. Christains are not bound to any part of the Law, because we are not Jews. Also, as you stated, any sin we commit is forgiven if our heart is truely in the right place. One who commits the same sin over and over and over without any remorse or regret, then I would have to question that persons authenticity. But, if you feel bad when you sin then that's the result of conviction, something every authentic Christian feels.
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by T-Man007 View Post

      Sin is sin and there is no one sin that is any worse than any other. You can never take back a sin, ever. So, those of us who have an authentic belief, will be forgiven, those who don't, will not. It's that simple. God knows what's in your heart and that's what determines whether or not you are forgiven.
      I have to disagree...on this point. There are different levels of sin. Alittle hard to explain, but basically there are venial sins where for example, you may lie to someone, think impure thoughts, deceive for ones own benefit etc..these are all sins, but they are sins that can be forgiven, and if you repent to God your sins will be forgiven. Then their sins of mortal ie: killing with intent, commiting suicide knowingly, using God's name with the intent of using his name for one own unjust ways, and hypocrites that do everthing religiously correct just because they think they will go to a higher place even thought they do not practice their beliefs in life. Then their are what God says are the ppl that are omitted from the Book of Life. I am one that believes that there are ppl in this world that no matter what will not be with God, as it is predetermined. Sure everyone would like to think they are going to be with him in heaven, but it is not a guarntee just because you follow his path that you will have a seat in his house. It is not in just deeds that bring us to him, but true belief.

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G View Post
      I have to disagree...on this point. There are different levels of sin. Alittle hard to explain, but basically there are venial sins where for example, you may lie to someone, think impure thoughts, deceive for ones own benefit etc..these are all sins, but they are sins that can be forgiven, and if you repent to God your sins will be forgiven. Then their sins of mortal ie: killing with intent, commiting suicide knowingly, using God's name with the intent of using his name for one own unjust ways, and hypocrites that do everthing religiously correct just because they think they will go to a higher place even thought they do not practice their beliefs in life. Then their are what God says are the ppl that are omitted from the Book of Life. I am one that believes that there are ppl in this world that no matter what will not be with God, as it is predetermined. Sure everyone would like to think they are going to be with him in heaven, but it is not a guarntee just because you follow his path that you will have a seat in his house. It is not in just deeds that bring us to him, but true belief.
      Well, I respect your opinion, but no where in the Bible does is rank sin. The Bible is very clear that if you repent your sins whole heartedly, you will beforgiven. Even people who commit sin willfully, if they turn to a belief in God and Jesus later in life, they will be forgiven. Also, the Bible is very very clear that the only unforgiven sin, is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. That's it! All other sin is forgiven, even before the sin is committed, it's forgiven. That is, if you are a believer. That's straight from the book bro. If it wasnt' in there, I wouldn't believe it. If it's not in there, then I don't believe it.
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Pls tell me your not going to make me research this stuff, lol!! I believe we have dif opinion because i combine the Bible with the Catholic doctrine. Sure i agree if someone repents and truely is saved and believes in God, his sins will be forgiven, but not to use faith to justify their wrong deeds. So you do not believe there are ppl that are left out of the Book of Life? I know it is a hard one to swallow.

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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Dang, all I want to know is the Bible's stance on killing. Geeze. ow did we get into venerial sins, and whatever else you guys are saying?
      I am awaiting RevTodd's answer very eagerly. It is something I've wondered for years.
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G View Post
      Pls tell me your not going to make me research this stuff, lol!! I believe we have dif opinion because i combine the Bible with the Catholic doctrine. Sure i agree if someone repents and truely is saved and believes in God, his sins will be forgiven, but not to use faith to justify their wrong deeds. So you do not believe there are ppl that are left out of the Book of Life? I know it is a hard one to swallow.
      Yeah, that would be our differences right there. I do not follow the Catholic doctrine. That would be why we disagree.

      As for the last question, yes, I do believe there are people left out. As a matter of fact, no man is born into the book of life. All are born sinnful and we must be called by God. So yes, I believe 100% that people are left out. As a matter of fact, ALL people would be left out of the book of life if they did not choose to believe. So, we agree on that. LOL

      No worries though, I have the utmost respect for you and your beliefs and I just choose not to follow the Catholic doctrine, which is my choice. For me, if it's outside the Bible, I just choose not to accept it. I'm not discrediting you, just stating where I get my position from.
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      Default Re: RevTodd..... A question sir

      Quote Originally Posted by angryoldman View Post
      Dang, all I want to know is the Bible's stance on killing. Geeze. ow did we get into venerial sins, and whatever else you guys are saying?
      I am awaiting RevTodd's answer very eagerly. It is something I've wondered for years.
      What do you have against my answer? It's straight from Genisis, thus, answering your question that the Bible clearly states that if a man kills another, he will be killed by man.
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      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      • RevTodd..... A question sir
      All sins can be forgiven. The only thing that will keep you from heaven is not having Jesus as you savior

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