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    Thread: Guys, us chicas need your help

    1. #1
      newgirl's Avatar
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      Default Guys, us chicas need your help

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      • Guys, us chicas need your help
      I ask all the bros here that when a woman wants your help, don't just throw the name of var or primo or clen or whatever out there and expect that to be the answer to her woes.

      It is different for women than men to get cut. The only thing that helps a woman is DIET and training and cardio. You boys can do a cycle of winny, add clen, do moderate cardio, eat better...and you boys are ready for Spring Break in Cancun. This I know...I watchy my husband transform before my very eyes in half the time it takes me...and he loses no muscle and he does not eat as cleanly as me.

      Please please please, on behalf of the female mods of FitnessGeared and unknownst to them, on behalf of women who post here and other boards...do not dispense to them doses of gear and names of chemicals that will cut them up or lean them out. OR "tone" them up for bikini season. They will be grossly disappointed and have sides to boot. It is more complicated.

      Thanks guys.

    2. #2
      jughead's Avatar
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      excellent point! i think too many people in general depend on gear, and leave out the most important part.....DIET!!! whether male or female "diet is the key, gear is a tool"

    3. #3
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      Thanks jughead...so true. How many times does a guy tell you his cycle -- and it is put together really well, but has not considered the caloric intake (and boost in protein) needed to feed the beast?

      OR, why they tend to gain a ton of bodyfat while bulking but eat McDonald's 3-5 times a week?!!

      For women it is a more complex answer. And too many times, guys in their sweet and kind efforts to help give out names of gear, and doses......and never ever realize the drawbacks not to mention that aas BUILDS MUSCLE and gets you bigger -- not leaner.

    4. #4
      Mike P.T.'s Avatar
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      It definately is different. Except for the women have the ectomorphic or mesomorphic genetic structure it is usually harder for women to lose weight than men. It's due to several factors such as women having more estrogen and less testosterone especially. That's why guys with lower test levels also have a harder time getting leaner or harder when dieting.

      On behalf of steroids though they DO help you to get leaner not just by building muscle but also because they have a nutrient partioning effect.(enables the body to use up calories much more efficiently and also less able to turn it into bf) Steroids also allows the body to store nutrients more effectively independant of insulin which means on a lower carb diet they will still be able to get the most out of there nutrients. Steroids that increase dopamine levels also aid in the burning of bf. Steroids in general cause an increase in the body's metabolism as well.

      I do agree with you though that women shouldn't just turn to steroids or other agents like clen and gh as the answer. They should have everything down first then if they are still willing and are harcore enough can use. But remember, intelligent use over misguided abuse.
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    5. #5
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      Nice post Mike PT..and I thank you.

      But again...while roids in the general male population do help burn bodyfat whether directly or indirectly, IT RARELY HAPPENS IN WOMEN. There is not a woman this board that has had the luxury of that experience. Hell, if it were the case, I would be giving Monica Brant a run for her money right now!! Look out Arnold Classic -- here comes a relatively unknown!

      But Mike -- your words are most appreciated and well said. Thanks.

    6. #6
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      I understand newgirl...I have several female colleagues that rely on me to tell them how to lose bf and tone up. I have never suggested to them to take AS. My main advice is diet and training routine. One thing that people have to take into account that it is natural for a woman to have a typical matronly shape, but healthy. Beit, that is not what all women want but it is important/natural during the child-bearing years. Hence the reason that skinny women and female athletes can be more prone to have abnormal or irregular menses. There are drastic differences among men and women with even more confounders within those two groups. This alone should make any giving advice follow with the statement "but everyone is different and this may or may not work for you". Regardless of sex.
      My teachings are like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not mistake the finger for the moon.

    7. #7
      Mike P.T.'s Avatar
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      Thx for the thx newgirl but I'm with The Bouncer on this one.

      BTW - steroids work just as well for women as they would in men. In fact, by tipping the scales for women by adding anabolic/androgenic steroids you create a more favorable environment for the body to burn bf. That's just plan science.

      Some other drugs for example like taking nolvadex in women(btw which isn't a steroid) has been shown anecdotally to help women attain a much harder and leaner physique that the natural estrogen was preventing them from attaining.
      Being defeated is sometimes only a temporary condition. Giving up, makes it permanent......

      It takes alot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there's no real security in what's no longer meaningful. There's more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life and in change there is power......

      The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step......

      Pain is weakness leaving the body......

      "When it comes to trusting people the only thing I know is that I don't know......"

      "Fuck what everyone else thinks. Follow your own way and only then will you have the potential to lead to greatness......"

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    8. #8
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      Bouncer and Mike PT -- while I know you are both extremely versed in getting physiques in tip top form, and I also know and appreciate and totally respect your knowledge on steriods and their appropriate uses, I have to disagree on a few points.

      Yes Nolva is great at hardening a woman up. Unfortunately the rebound for a woman is downright incredible. I have many friends who are competitors here, and have used it...all with varying degrees of rebound. The use itself -- did do what it needed however the rebound was typcially severe....and this was in women who are extremely careful about diet.

      And, yes it is somewhat easier for a man to get into better shape over a woman. That does not imply that I think it is EASY for them...you guys work hard to get your bodies where you want them and make great sacrifices.....but if you measured the effort and made a comparable analysis from man to woman...the woman does work harder and gets less results -- that is just science and basic biology and body chemistry. It is about estrogen and other hormones in a female that run at different levels than a mans.

      My point was not to assume that no male works hard -- my point was to help some women on the female boards learn that chemicals are not the way to lean.

      The men on our boards are incredibly helpful and want to answer questions in the female forum, and before getting any background from the woman on training and diet, they 99% percent of the time will shoot out var, primo, winny, T3.

      If it were not different for women, we would not need a women's forum. Not to mention the differneces in sides that women experience over men (prime example would be winny -- most men do not hold water on it, most women do with very few exceptions, Torchy for one).

      I was not trying to start an argument or debate here, nor ever imply that men have it easy....I just would like it for the record, that when the guys come to the ladies forum, that answering a question with a oneliner that only contains steriods as the answer, is not helping that woman any.

    9. #9
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      BTW, I did not once say that steriods do not work on women, they do...but building muscle and gaining strength is what women get (unless they are using a precontest cutting diet and killer carido -- but then that has nothing to do directly with the gear).

    10. #10
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      You got it.
      "Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love truth, we cannot know it."-Pascal

    11. #11
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      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
      ok, i think i can agree with that. good points newgirl. by the way, i never ment to sound like I was arguing with you. you know I luv ya.
      Hey Bounce -- I kinda did think you were.....and I was SOOO surprised! You know you have given great advice to us girls before and I thought you were picking on me...boo hoo! But you know I adore you as well.

      But honestly, I just want our boards to be honest and helpful to the ladies in search of a healthy fit body for life -- not some crack addicted rail thin body that looks undernourished.....and I want these women to NOT get disappointed in the process of getting fit. I have a great, pateint atittude, and I at times, wished it would not take as long as it has.

      Love you B...and thanks for clearing that up!

      AND LATINSTEEL -- I know you give good advice and cyber hugs to the girls -- you are full of sweetness for sure. Good to see you back...we had not seen you in a week or so.

    12. #12
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      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
      im not really to sure what your trying to say here. are you telling me men are more prone to loose BF% on steroids then women?? how can you say this when there are so many things to compare. genetics, diet, cardio, work ethic. it seems to me like your saying men have an easier time at building a great body then a women does.
      I know this is "cleared up", but I have to say that this is the EXACT POINT Newgirl was trying to make. See, many and I mean MANY, women come to a board and go BAM...what magic pill can I take to look like THAT? And you know what B...you hit the nail on the head and NG was a little flustered and didn't see it in the true unintentioned light that I have, lol....

      I know your point B wasn't the way I am going to decipher it, but this is what we are saying:

      With regards to the women that we know nothing about, ie work ethic, diet, cardio...we can not give out the magic pill response WITHOUT knowing these answers. So therefore, we establish the time true friend of cardio, workouts, diet, etc...not the bandwagon of var, primo, clen and t3....these will do wonders for you, just do it. NO, that's not the answer until I guess we put the "disclaimer" out and get to know them a little.

      There truly isn't a MAGIC PILL...it's a matter of exactly what you said Bouncer and if we don't know this about them, then we can not give out the advice. There isn't a correct answer for women are different with sides. Hell, I got more sides from 10mg/day of var than I did winni or primo! See, that's our point. Whether or not the have a synergistic effect is not what we are trying to say...It's the ETHICS of the individual we need to acquire BEFORE we give out an answer.

    13. #13
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      Torchy well said! True dat! MUHWAH!

    14. #14
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      Default Re: Guys, us chicas need your help

      Originally posted by newgirl
      I ask all the bros here that when a woman wants your help, don't just throw the name of var or primo or clen or whatever out there and expect that to be the answer to her woes.

      It is different for women than men to get cut. The only thing that helps a woman is DIET and training and cardio. You boys can do a cycle of winny, add clen, do moderate cardio, eat better...and you boys are ready for Spring Break in Cancun. This I know...I watchy my husband transform before my very eyes in half the time it takes me...and he loses no muscle and he does not eat as cleanly as me.

      Please please please, on behalf of the female mods of FitnessGeared and unknownst to them, on behalf of women who post here and other boards...do not dispense to them doses of gear and names of chemicals that will cut them up or lean them out. OR "tone" them up for bikini season. They will be grossly disappointed and have sides to boot. It is more complicated.

      Thanks guys.

      Nececitas ayuda chica. En que te puedo ayudar.

    15. #15
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      • Guys, us chicas need your help
      • Guys, us chicas need your help
      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
      oh, i don't get a kiss huh?
      you big baby :p

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