whats up guys...just got a couple kits of jino's and its my first time using them...gonan start off at 2-3 iu's to see how i react to it the neventually bump it up after a week or so to 6iu's a day...5/2 split for at least 4 months...hopefullly 6-7 depending how i like the results towards month 4......i will be running it with my upcoming cycle of dbols..high amounts of test....eq and winny....my qyestio nis when should i start to see or feel results from the gh?...im thinking i wont be able to see the effects cuz the cycle might cover them up.....also r humatrope and serostim better than jino's...i read that but i think that 191 aa chain gh is the same as the next..am i wrong?