Buying prescription medicines online: Protect yourself
The growth of the Internet in recent years has allowed many consumers to purchase medications online. There are some online pharmacies that provide legitimate prescription services and there are some that are questionable and make purchasing medications online risky.

To purchase medications online safely and securely, here are some basic do's and don'ts:


Take only medications that have been prescribed by your doctor or other authorized health care provider.
Consult with your doctor on whether you need to take any special steps in filling your prescription.
Buy only from sites that require prescriptions from a physician or other authorized health care provider and that also verify each prescription before dispensing the medication. A written verification policy is usually posted on the site.
Use sites that provide convenient access to a licensed pharmacist who can answer your questions.
Make sure that the site is a licensed pharmacy in good standing in your state. - -- Check with your state board of pharmacy or with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) at Some sites display the NABP VIPPS™ (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) seal, an assurance that such sites are meeting all applicable state and federal requirements.
Buy only from U.S. based sites.
Look for easy-to-find and understand privacy and security policies.
Use common sense when purchasing prescription medications online. Apply the same standards you'd use for any place of business when looking for a reputable pharmacy site.
Report problems. If you suspect a site is not a licensed pharmacy, do not buy from it. Report the site and any complaints to the FDA at

Buy online from sites that offer to prescribe a medication for the first time without a physical exam by your doctor or that sell a prescription medication without a prescription.
Buy from sites that sell medications not approved by the FDA.
Buy from sites without posted customer service policies.
Provide any personally identifiable information (social security number, credit card, and health history) unless you are confident that the site will protect them. - - Make sure the site does not share your information with others without your permission.
Buy from sites that include undocumented case histories claiming amazing medical results