
im about to see what the big fuss is about primo. i have been reading about the fucking drug for as long as i been a member witch is about 3 years. now the shit is about to get real, i recently bought primo from a very well liked and respected person so i have no doubt its gonna be real. now to really find out the kinks and perk's for optimal primo usage i will ask a few more questions.

is there really a dramatic difference between 200 and 300 and 400 mg week?

how low can you really go on calories?

whats the optimal diet for fat loss?( protien to carb to fat ratio)

is it easy to "overtrain" on primo?

p.s primo user's please post how many primo cycles youve done and what dosages worked the best at your wieght.

right now im sitting at aproxiitmatly 226 pounds unknown bodyfat( jiggles though). i want to get to a very ripped and vascular 175-180.

again heres my plan so please critique it.

primo-400 mg 1-12( basicly whole summer june-aug)
proviron 4-18

a few things i DO NOT want to hear on my thread

1. too expensive
2. too faked
3. im scared of primo blah blah blah

ive been around here too often and too long for any b.s/bolony

have a nice day as im off to go sleep now