who is the biggest slut u have ever seen in ur life?
my sister stayed over at my place this weekend cuz she didn't see me for a some time (we live in different cities) and last night when we all went out (few friends of mine and my sis) she fuking made out with my best friend... i kicked him out of the house this morning and told him to fuk off... she also made out with a girl and couple of other guys she just met that night.. in the middle of the fuking dance floor... all the bouncers and bartenders know me (i used to bounce there too) and everyone was like wtf is ur sister doing?
then tonight again me and some few of my other friends went out, and guess what. she pretty much ended up making out with every fuking guy in sight.... i wasn't there most of the night (was playing pool) but when i got back i just snapped... i threw the dj against the wall and onto the floor when i saw then 2 fuking licking the crap out of each other... then i told another VERY good friend of mine to fuk off and if i ever see him do it again i'll break his neck... and so on... from asian, black, hindu, u name it..... (i'm too mad to type any more right now)
like WHAT THE FUK..... i'm so piss mad right now i could scream..... i'm disgusted... i start gaging every time i just think about it... my sister.. the biggest slut i have ever seen....
just in the last 2 days i lost 4 really good friends...
i just told her it's the last time we went out together anywhere.. ever again...
ugh..... grossssssss........ sick sick! and it is SOOOOOOOOO not her..... she never ever didn't want even talk to guys... she doesn't even have a bf.. never had one (she's 22)... and now u give her 2 beers and she'd do fuking anything.....
k i'm gonna go to sleep now... i'm too mad.....