A little backround... i am cycling pretty much year round... takin off 2 months at the end of each year. (Nov.,Dec.) Been ON again for 2 months now. Just got done running the following:

2g Denkall T400 (felt WAY underdosed)
100mg Fina ED
M1T 30mg ed 2 wks on 2wks off

Gained 17 pounds from that though a pretty sloppy 17 pounds. Looking to gain 5-8 more QUALITY pounds in this next 3 months.

Test Enan 800mg pw 1-12
Test Prop 150mg EOD 1-12
Fina 150mg EOD 1-12
Masterdrol V2 30mg ED 8-12
IGF-1 LR3 40mcg ED 1-4, 9-12

Any input or advice. Been in the game for awhile now... Stats as of right now 5'9 225 Roughly 13% bf. maybe a touch higher.

Goal is to be 230-233 @ approx. 10-11%bf.

Any suggestions to change, add, or drop?